Tag: religious

Start Year: 900 | End Year: 1700

Santa María loei Alfonso X el Sabio, King of Castile and León 13th century 1200 1299 S , A , T , B Galician-Portuguese translation cantiga Cantigas de Santa Maria religious Mary
מעוז צור [Ma'oz tzur] Anonymous 15th century 1400 1499 S , A , T , B Hebrew holiday translation religious acrostic Mordechai lyrics
Edi beo thu hevene quene Anonymous 13th century 1200 1299 SS , SA English original language holiday translation religious Mary English song
Good Day Sire Christemas Our Kinge Anonymous 15th century 1400 1499 S , A , T , B English holiday translation religious English carol
Aucuns vont souvent - Amor qui cor - Kyrie Eleison Petrus de Cruce 13th - 14th century 1280 1350 SSS , SSA , AAT , TTT , TTB French , Latin original language motet translation religious 13th-century motet Montpellier Codex
Thys endrys nyȝt I see a syght Anonymous 15th century 1400 1499 S , A , T , B English holiday translation religious Mary English carol
Jubilate Deo Orlando di Lasso 16th century 1534 1594 SATB Latin original language motet translation religious 16th-century sacred motet Biblical text
Plaude euge theotocos Petrus Wilhelmi Grudencz 14th - 15th century 1392 1480 SAT , STB Latin original language motet translation religious Mary acrostic 15th-century motet
Por nós, Virgen Madre Alfonso X el Sabio, King of Castile and León 13th century 1200 1299 S , A , T , B Galician-Portuguese translation cantiga Cantigas de Santa Maria religious Mary
Porque ben Santa Maria Alfonso X el Sabio, King of Castile and León 13th century 1200 1299 S , A , T , B Galician-Portuguese translation cantiga Cantigas de Santa Maria religious Mary
Quen quér que na Virgen fía Alfonso X el Sabio, King of Castile and León 13th century 1200 1299 S , A , T , B Galician-Portuguese translation cantiga Cantigas de Santa Maria religious Mary
Pax! in nomine Domini Marcabru 12th century 1100 1199 S , A , T , B Latin , Occitan translation religious trobar social commentary vers canso de crozada war song political
Toller pód' a Madre de Nóstro Sennor Alfonso X el Sabio, King of Castile and León 13th century 1200 1299 S , A , T , B Galician-Portuguese translation cantiga Cantigas de Santa Maria religious Mary
Eya martyr Stephane Anonymous 15th century 1400 1499 ST , SB , AT , AB English , Latin holiday translation religious English carol
Salve, Regina Hermann Contractus 11th century 1000 1099 S , A , T , B Latin holiday translation religious Mary chant antiphon
Palästinalied Walther von der Vogelweide 12th - 13th century 1100 1299 S , A , T , B German translation religious Minnesang war song
Ave Maria Jacobus Gallus 16th century 1550 1591 SATB Latin original language motet translation religious Mary 16th-century sacred motet Biblical text
Amours, u trop tart me sui pris Blanche de Castile, Queen of France 13th century 1200 1299 S , A , T , B French translation religious Mary trobar
Ave Verum Corpus William Byrd 1610 1610 1610 SATB Latin original language motet sacred translation religious Biblical text 17th-century motet
Mariam matrem Virginem attolite Anonymous 14th century 1300 1399 STT , STB , ATT , ATB Latin translation religious Mary virelai Llibre Vermell de Montserrat
?Oh, Reyes magos benditos! Juan del Encina 15th - 16th century 1468 1510 STB , ATB Spanish holiday villancico translation religious Cancionero de Palacio
Santa María, Strela do día Alfonso X el Sabio, King of Castile and León 13th century 1200 1299 S , A , T , B Galician-Portuguese translation cantiga Cantigas de Santa Maria religious Mary
Mal s' á end' achar Alfonso X el Sabio, King of Castile and León 13th century 1200 1299 S , A , T , B Galician-Portuguese translation cantiga Cantigas de Santa Maria religious Mary
Sainte Nicholaes godes druð Godric of Finchale 12th century 1100 1199 S , A , T , B English holiday translation religious English song
Reis glorios, verais lums e clartatz Giraut de Bornelh 12th century 1100 1199 S , A , T , B Occitan translation religious trobar alba
Muito foi nóss' amigo Alfonso X el Sabio, King of Castile and León 13th century 1200 1299 S , A , T , B Galician-Portuguese translation cantiga Cantigas de Santa Maria religious Mary
Nowel: Owt of your slepe aryse Anonymous 15th century 1400 1499 SSS , SSA , SAA , AAA , TTT , TTB , TBB , BBB English holiday translation religious Mary English carol
Nova, nova: Ave fit ex Eva Anonymous 15th century 1400 1499 S , A , T , B English , Latin holiday translation religious Mary English carol
Sicut Cervus Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina 1584 1584 1584 SATB , ATTB Latin original language motet translation religious 16th-century sacred motet Biblical text
Sumer is Icumen In Anonymous 13th century 1200 1299 S , A English , Latin original language round translation religious English song canon
Blyssid be that mayde Mary Anonymous 15th century 1400 1499 S , A , T , B English holiday translation religious Mary English carol
Veinticinco de Diciembre Anonymous 16th - 17th century 1500 1699 S , A , T , B Spanish holiday translation religious
Dized', ai trobadores Alfonso X el Sabio, King of Castile and León 13th century 1200 1299 S , A , T , B Galician-Portuguese translation cantiga Cantigas de Santa Maria religious Mary
Quantos me crevéren loarán Alfonso X el Sabio, King of Castile and León 13th century 1200 1299 S , A , T , B Galician-Portuguese translation cantiga Cantigas de Santa Maria religious Mary
In Dulci Jubilo Michael Praetorius 1610 1610 1610 SS Latin original language holiday translation religious anonymous melody arranged by composer
Omnis mundus iucundetur Anonymous 16th century 1500 1599 S , A , T , B Latin holiday translation religious Mary school song Piae Cantiones
Verbum Patris umanatur Walter of Châtillon 12th century 1100 1199 SAT , SAB , STT , STB , AAT , AAB , ATT , ATB , TTT , TTB Latin holiday translation religious Mary conductus
Andreas Christi famulus Cristóbal de Morales 16th century 1500 1599 SSAAT , SSAAB , SSATT , SSATB Latin holiday translation religious 16th-century sacred motet
Humils forfaitz repres e penedens Guiraut Riquier 13th century 1200 1299 S , A , T , B Occitan translation religious Mary trobar vers
In natali novi Regis Walter of Châtillon 12th century 1100 1199 SS , SA , AA , TT , TB , BB Latin holiday translation religious conductus Moosburg Gradual
O virtus Sapientiae Hildegard von Bingen 12th century 1100 1199 S , A , T , B Latin translation religious chant
O souverain Pasteur et Maistre Jacobus Clemens non Papa 16th century 1500 1599 SAAT , SAAB , SATT , SATB French chanson translation Clément Marot lyrics religious
Quen Santa María quisér defender Alfonso X el Sabio, King of Castile and León 13th century 1200 1299 S , A , T , B Galician-Portuguese translation cantiga Cantigas de Santa Maria religious Mary
Antes que comáis a Dios Francisco Guerrero 16th century 1500 1599 SATB , SABB , STTB , STBB , AATB , AABB , ATTB , ATBB Spanish villancico translation religious
Quam pulchra es John Dunstable 15th century 1400 1499 ATB , ABB Latin translation religious Biblical text 15th-century motet
This Rose is railed on a ryse Anonymous 15th century 1400 1499 S , A , T , B English holiday translation religious Mary English carol
Personent hodie Anonymous 14th century 1300 1399 S , A , T , B Latin holiday translation religious school song Piae Cantiones
Ave Regina omnium Anonymous 16th century 1500 1599 S , A , T , B Latin holiday translation religious Mary school song Piae Cantiones
Caritas habundat Hildegard von Bingen 12th century 1100 1199 S , A , T , B Latin translation religious chant antiphon
Atarashiki toshi [新しき年] Anonymous 12th century 1100 1199 Heterophonic Japanese translation religious saibara
To the now, Crystys der derlyng Anonymous 15th century 1400 1499 SS , SA , TT , TB English holiday translation religious English carol
Muito bon miragr’ a Virgen Alfonso X el Sabio, King of Castile and León 13th century 1200 1299 S , A , T , B Galician-Portuguese translation cantiga Cantigas de Santa Maria religious Mary
Virgo Mater piissima Anonymous 16th century 1500 1599 S , A , T , B Latin holiday translation religious Mary school song Piae Cantiones
Laudemus virginem Anonymous 14th century 1300 1399 S , A , T , B Latin round translation religious Mary Llibre Vermell de Montserrat canon
Katerine collaudemus Anonymous 14th century 1300 1399 S , A , T , B Latin holiday translation religious goliard song Carmina Burana
Alle psallite cum luya Anonymous 13th - 14th century 1280 1350 SAT Latin original language motet translation religious Montpellier Codex
Ad cantus laeticiae Anonymous 16th century 1500 1599 AA , BB Latin holiday translation religious school song Piae Cantiones
Com'a grande enfermidade Alfonso X el Sabio, King of Castile and León 13th century 1200 1299 S , A , T , B Galician-Portuguese translation cantiga Cantigas de Santa Maria religious Mary
Non Nobis Domine Anonymous 17th century 1600 1699 SAT Latin original language translation religious canon
Splendens ceptigera Anonymous 14th century 1300 1399 S , A , T , B Latin round translation religious Mary Llibre Vermell de Montserrat canon
A Virgen mui grorïosa Alfonso X el Sabio, King of Castile and León 13th century 1200 1299 S , A , T , B Galician-Portuguese translation cantiga Cantigas de Santa Maria religious Mary
Unicornis captivatur Anonymous 14th century 1300 1399 SS , SA , AA , TT , TB , BB Latin translation religious 14th-century German polyphony
Puer nobis nascitur Anonymous 16th century 1500 1599 S , A , T , B Latin holiday translation religious school song Piae Cantiones
The borys hede that we bryng here Richard Smert 15th century 1400 1499 SA , ST , AA , AT English , Latin holiday translation religious English carol
Non sofre Santa María Alfonso X el Sabio, King of Castile and León 13th century 1200 1299 S , A , T , B Galician-Portuguese translation cantiga Cantigas de Santa Maria religious Mary
Post Partum Virgo - Ave Regina - Veritatem Anonymous 13th - 14th century 1280 1350 TTT Latin original language motet holiday translation religious Mary 13th-century motet Montpellier Codex
Angelus emittitur Anonymous 13th century 1200 1299 S , A , T , B Latin holiday translation religious Mary school song Piae Cantiones
Sub Umbra Illius Jacobus Clemens non Papa 1560 1560 1560 SSA , TTB Latin original language motet translation religious 16th-century sacred motet Biblical text
En natus est Emmanuel Michael Praetorius 16th - 17th century 1571 1621 SATB Latin original language holiday translation religious 16th-century sacred motet
Iacob scalam - Pax eterna - Terribilis Petrus Wilhelmi Grudencz 14th - 15th century 1392 1480 SSS , TTT Latin original language motet translation religious 15th-century motet
Verbum caro factum est: Y la Virgin le dezia Anonymous 16th century 1500 1599 STTB , STBB , ATTB , ATBB Latin , Spanish holiday villancico translation religious Mary Cancionero de Upsala
Resonet in laudibus Anonymous 14th century 1300 1399 S , A , T , B Latin holiday translation religious Mary school song Piae Cantiones
I Sing of a Maiden Anonymous 15th century 1400 1499 S , A , T , B English holiday translation religious Mary English carol
Ave Maris Stella Anonymous 16th century 1500 1599 S , A , T , B Latin holiday translation religious Mary school song Piae Cantiones
Ubi caritas Anonymous 10th century 900 999 S , A , T , B Latin translation religious chant antiphon Liber Usualis
I am here, Syre Crystes Mass Richard Smert 15th century 1400 1499 S , A , T , B English holiday translation religious English song
Como somos per conssello do démo perdudos Alfonso X el Sabio, King of Castile and León 13th century 1200 1299 S , A , T , B Galician-Portuguese translation cantiga Cantigas de Santa Maria religious Mary
Seigneurs, sachiez qui or ne s'en ira Thibaut IV de Champagne, King of Navarre 13th century 1200 1299 S , A , T , B French translation religious trobar war song
Noël nouvelet! Anonymous 16th century 1500 1599 S , A , T , B French chanson holiday translation religious Mary French carol
Ut queant laxis Guido of Arezzo 11th century 1000 1099 S , A , T , B Latin translation religious chant school song anonymous melody arranged by composer Paulus Diaconus lyrics
Congaudeat turba fidelium Anonymous 16th century 1500 1599 S , A , T , B Latin holiday translation religious Mary school song Piae Cantiones
Ther is no rose of swych vertu Anonymous 15th century 1400 1499 SAT English original language holiday carol translation religious Mary
Ara pot hom conoisser e proar Raimbaut de Vaqeiras 12th century 1100 1199 S , A , T , B Occitan translation religious trobar canso canso de crozada war song Chansonnier La Vallière
Ah man, ah say Anonymous 15th century 1400 1499 ST , SB English holiday translation religious English carol
Bien me deüsse targier Conon de Béthune 12th - 13th century 1100 1299 S , A , T , B Occitan translation religious trobar social commentary political
Gaudete! Gaudete! Christus est natus Anonymous 16th century 1500 1599 SATB , SABB , AATB , AABB Latin holiday translation religious Mary school song Piae Cantiones
Deo Gracias (Agincourt Carol) Anonymous 15th century 1400 1499 ATB English original language carol translation religious English carol war song
Qwat tydyngis bryngyst thou massager John Dunstable 15th century 1400 1499 AT , AB English holiday translation religious Mary English carol John Audelay lyrics
Quen a omagen da Virgen Alfonso X el Sabio, King of Castile and León 13th century 1200 1299 S , A , T , B Galician-Portuguese translation cantiga Cantigas de Santa Maria religious Mary
Como póden per sas culpas Alfonso X el Sabio, King of Castile and León 13th century 1200 1299 S , A , T , B Galician-Portuguese translation cantiga Cantigas de Santa Maria religious Mary
Como a demais da gente Alfonso X el Sabio, King of Castile and León 13th century 1200 1299 S , A , T , B Galician-Portuguese translation cantiga Cantigas de Santa Maria religious Mary
Acorrer-nos póde e de mal guardar Alfonso X el Sabio, King of Castile and León 13th century 1200 1299 S , A , T , B Galician-Portuguese translation cantiga Cantigas de Santa Maria religious Mary
In Rama sonat gemitus Anonymous 12th century 1100 1199 S , A , T , B Latin holiday translation religious conductus
The Corpus Christi Carol Anonymous 14th - 15th century 1300 1499 S , A , T , B English holiday translation religious English carol
Martini festum celebremus Orlando di Lasso 16th century 1500 1599 SAATB , SATTB , STTTB , AAATB , AATTB , ATTTB Latin holiday translation religious 16th-century sacred motet
Gran pïadad' e mercee e nobreza Alfonso X el Sabio, King of Castile and León 13th century 1200 1299 S , A , T , B Galician-Portuguese translation cantiga Cantigas de Santa Maria religious Mary
Los reyes siguen la estrella Francisco Guerrero 16th century 1500 1599 SATB Spanish holiday translation religious Mary 16th-century sacred motet
Magnum nomen Domini Anonymous 15th century 1400 1499 S , A , T , B Latin holiday translation religious school song Piae Cantiones
A Madre do que a bestia Alfonso X el Sabio, King of Castile and León 13th century 1200 1299 S , A , T , B Galician-Portuguese translation cantiga Cantigas de Santa Maria religious Mary
Quen na Virgen grorïosa Alfonso X el Sabio, King of Castile and León 13th century 1200 1299 S , A , T , B Galician-Portuguese translation cantiga Cantigas de Santa Maria religious Mary
Gabriel fram Heven-King Anonymous 13th century 1200 1299 S , A , T , B English holiday translation religious Mary English song
Non moriar sed vivam Martin Luther 16th century 1500 1599 SATB , STTB , AATB , ATTB Latin translation religious 16th-century sacred motet Biblical text
Festa Januaria Anonymous 13th century 1200 1299 TTT , TTB Latin holiday translation religious conductus
Dic Christi veritas Anonymous 11th - 13th century 1000 1299 SS , SA , AA , BB Latin translation religious goliard song Carmina Burana social commentary political satire Philip the Chancellor lyrics
Des oge mais quer eu trobar Alfonso X el Sabio, King of Castile and León 13th century 1200 1299 S , A , T , B Galician-Portuguese translation cantiga Cantigas de Santa Maria religious Mary
Quena Virgen ben servira Alfonso X el Sabio, King of Castile and León 13th century 1200 1299 S , A , T , B Galician-Portuguese translation cantiga Cantigas de Santa Maria religious Mary
Stella Splendens Anonymous 14th century 1300 1399 ST Latin original language translation religious Mary virelai Llibre Vermell de Montserrat
I Come from Heuin to Tell (Vom Himmel hoch da komm ich her) Martin Luther 16th century 1500 1599 S , A , T , B German , Scots holiday translation religious Mary lied Wedderburn translation
Porque trobar é cousa en que jaz Alfonso X el Sabio, King of Castile and León 13th century 1200 1299 S , A , T , B Galician-Portuguese translation cantiga Cantigas de Santa Maria religious Mary
Dieux soit en cheste maison Adam de la Halle 13th century 1200 1299 SSS , TTT French chanson holiday translation religious ballade
Italia mia bench'el parlar Philippe Verdelot 16th century 1500 1599 SATBB , STTBB , STTBB , AATBB Italian madrigal translation religious social commentary political Petrarch lyrics
Psallat scholarum concio Anonymous 16th century 1500 1599 S , A , T , B Latin holiday translation religious school song Piae Cantiones
Eno pouco e eno muito Alfonso X el Sabio, King of Castile and León 13th century 1200 1299 S , A , T , B Galician-Portuguese translation cantiga Cantigas de Santa Maria religious Mary