Acorrer-nos póde e de mal guardar By: Alfonso X el Sabio, King of Castile and León


Singable Translation PDF By: Carol Anne Perry Lagemann (CC BY SA 4.0)


Number of Voices: 1
Voicings: S , A , T , B
Date: 13th century
Language: Galician-Portuguese
Tags: translation cantiga Cantigas de Santa Maria religious Mary


Lyrics Direct Translation Poetic Translation
Como Santa María livrou a mollér prenne que non morresse no mar e fez-lle aver fillo dentro nas ondas. How Holy Mary saved the pregnant woman from being drowned in the sea and caused her to have her child beneath the waves. The story begins thus:
Acorrer-nos póde e de mal guardar The Mother of God can save us She, the Mother of our Lord, is true and sure,
a Madre de Déus, se per nós non ficar. and keep us from harm if we trust in Her. And She will protect us if we trust in Her.
Acorrer-nos póde quando xe quisér She can save us whenever She so wills Her ability to rescue is profound,
e guardar de mal cada que lle prouguér, and defend from harm each one who has Her favor, Shielding anyone who Her favor has found.
ben como guardou ?a póbre mollér just as She protected an unfortunate woman She once saved a woman who almost was drowned:
que cuidou morrer enas ondas do mar. who almost drowned in the sea. A marvelous wonder She made to occur.
Eno mar que cerca o mund' arredor, I wish to tell you a great miracle In the ocean which encircles all the world,
na térra que chaman Bretanna Maior, which the Holy Mother of Our Lord performed Where the sea by Cornwall in Great Britain swirled,
fez a Santa Madre de Nóstro Sennor near the land they call Great Britain The Mother so holy Her power unfurled:
un gran miragre que vos quéro contar. in the sea which encircles the world. I'll tell of the wonder to which I refer.
O miragre foi muit' apóst' e mui bél The miracle was wondrous and beautiful Full astounding was the miracle I tell:
que Santa María fez por San Miguél, which Holy Mary performed for Saint Michael, Mary for Saint Michael the waves did compel;
que é companneiro de San Gabrïél, companion of Saint Gabriel, He is the companion of Saint Gabriel,
o ángeo que a v?o saüdar. the angel who came to deliver the Annunciation to Her. The one who to Mary was God's messenger.
De San Migaél, o ángeo de Déus, A hermitage of Saint Michael, angel of God, Of Saint Michael, angel, one who saw God's face,
éra ?' ermida, u muitos roméus was there, where many pilgrims Is a hermitage on an isle in that place,
ían i rogar polos pecados séus, went to pray Where come many pilgrims to pray for God's grace
que Déus llos quisésse por el perdõar. that God would pardon their sins. And that for their sins He would give them the cure.
O logar éra de mui gran devoçôn, The place was very revered, To that sacred place the people honor showed,
mas non podía óm' alá ir, se non but no one could go there until But at only low tide could they take the road;
menguass' ant' o mar, ca en outra sazôn the tide went out, for at other times At high tide the seawater over it flowed:
non podía ren ên saír nen entrar. nothing could leave nor enter there. To leave or to enter nobody could stir.
E porend' un día av?o assí It happened that one day Once a pregnant woman thought that she would go,
que ?a mollér prenne entrou per i; a pregnant woman was trying to cross, And she went to cross when the water was low;
mais o mar creceu e colleu-a alí, but the sea came up and trapped her, The sea rose and trapped her because she was slow,
e non se pod' ir, tanto non pod' andar. and she could not get out for she could not walk fast enough. For much did the baby her walking deter.
A póbre mollér, macar quis, non fogiu, The poor woman, although she tried, could not get away, She could not escape, no matter how she sped.
ca o mar de todas partes a cobriu; for the sea covered her completely. Very soon the water was over her head,
e pois s' a mesquinna en tal coita viu, Seeing herself in such a plight, And seeing that she and her child would be dead,
começou Santa María de chamar. she began to call on Holy Mary. She started to cry out to Mary the pure.
A mollér sen falla coidou a f?ir The woman thought that she surely Never, thought she, would she walk upon the earth
quando viu o mar que a v?o cobrir; would perish when she saw the sea wash over her. When the sea came roaring for all it was worth;
e demais chegou-ll' o tempo de parir, Moreover, the time came for her to give birth, And then did the time come for her to give birth,
e por tod' esto non cuidou escapar. and there was no way she could escape. And there was no way to escape or endure.
Mais a Santa Virgen que ela rogou However, the Holy Virgin to whom she prayed Oh, but when she prayed, the Virgin heard her plea.
oiu-lle séu rógu', e tan tóste chegou heard her plea and came at once. She spread out Her sleeve over her lovingly
e a súa manga sobr' ela parou She spread Her sleeve over her And helped her to safely give birth in the sea.
que a fez parir e as ondas quedar. and caused her to give birth and calmed the waves. At Her will, the waves calm and motionless were.
Pois Santa María, a Sennor de prez, After Holy Mary, Lady of Great Worth, After Holy Mary, most glorious one,
este miragre daquela mollér fez, performed this miracle for that woman, For that happy woman this wonder had done,
con séu fill' a póbre se foi essa vez she went at once to Saint Michael with her son At once she rejoiced and took up her new son
lóg' a San Miguél o miragre mostrar. to tell of it. And went to Saint Michael, the tale to confer.
Alfonso X el Sabio, King of Castile and León Alfonso. Songs of Holy Mary of Alfonso X, the Wise: A Translation of the Cantigas de Santa Maria. Trans. Kathleen Kulp-Hill. Tempe, AZ: Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2000. Print.