Aucuns vont souvent - Amor qui cor - Kyrie Eleison By: Petrus de Cruce


Original Key Edition PDF MIDI MP3

Practice MIDIs and MP3s

Singable Translation PDF By: Carol Anne Perry Lagemann (CC BY SA 4.0)


Number of Voices: 3
Voicings: SSS , SSA , AAT , TTT , TTB
Date: 13th - 14th century
Language: French , Latin
Tags: original language motet translation religious 13th-century motet Montpellier Codex

Published in

Montpellier Codex
Archive: Faculté de Médecine [F-MO] Shelfmark: H 196 Position in Manuscript: DIAMM
Manuscript Facsimiles: Bibliothèque Interuniversitaire Médecine de Montpellier


Lyrics Direct Translation Poetic Translation
Kyrie eleyson. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy upon us.
Amor, qui cor vulnerat Love, which wounds To injure lovers fated,
humanum, quem generat the human heart, By carnal lust created,
carnalis affectio, love, which carnal lust creates, Love never has existed
numquam sinevicio never or rarely Without the cold and twisted
vel raro potest esse, can exist without sin, Effects of sin, for surely
quoniam est necesse, for it must be The more love given purely
ut quo plus diligitur that the more To anything that passes
res, que cito labitur a thing which quickly decays Away like fragile grasses
et transit, eominus and passes away is loved, And to decay is driven,
diligatur Dominus. the less the Lord is loved. The less the Lord is given.
Aucuns vont souvent Some often go around Some say publicly
par leur envie mesdisant badmouthing love out of envy, Bad things about love from envy,
d’amours, mes il n’est si bonne vie but there is no life as good And yet there is no life as good for you
com d’amer loiaument; as loving loyally; As loving loyally,
quar d’amours vient for from love comes For from love all
toute courtoisie all courtesy Courtesies soon grew, all
et tout honour et tout bon ensegnement. and all honor and all good upbringing. Honor and all good upbringing came to be.
Tout ce puet en li prouver, qui amie All of this can be shown by one who takes All of this can be seen in a person who
veut faire sans boidie a sweetheart without deceit Loves someone and is true
et amer vraiement, and loves truly. And loves in purity.
que ja en liniert assi se vilanie Villainy will never reside in him, Villainy never is found in what he may do,
ne couvoitise d’amasser argent. nor will the desire to amass money. Nor does he desire to gather money.
Ains aime bonne compaignie Rather, he loves fair company Rather, his friends have fair virtue;
et despent adés largement; and always spends money generously, He spends money generously,
et si n’a en li felonnie and there is in him no ill will And no ill will does he have in view,
n’envie sus autre gent, nor envy toward other people, Nor for anyone envy,
mes a chascun s’umelie but he humbles himself But he humbles himself, too,
et parole courtoisement. and speaks courteously toward other people — Speaking to all courteously,
S’il a du tout sans partie if he has wholly, without exception, If he set his heart all through
mis son cuer en amer entierement; set his heart entirely on loving. On loving without exception, entirely.
et sachiés, quil n’aime mie And know that he who conducts himself otherwise If these things he does not do,
ains ment, s’il se demaine autrement. does not love at all; rather, he lies. He has not love, but dishonesty.
Petrus de Cruce Stolba, K Marie, ed. The Development of Western Music: An Anthology. 3rd ed. Vol. I. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 1998. Print. Carol Anne Perry Lagemann