Tag: trobar

Start Year: 900 | End Year: 1700

Quan vei l'alauzeta mover Bernart de Ventadorn 12th century 1100 1199 S , A , T , B Occitan translation trobar canso
Pax! in nomine Domini Marcabru 12th century 1100 1199 S , A , T , B Latin , Occitan translation religious trobar social commentary vers canso de crozada war song political
Dirai vos senes doptansa Marcabru 12th century 1129 1150 S , A , T , B Occitan translation trobar canso
Amours, u trop tart me sui pris Blanche de Castile, Queen of France 13th century 1200 1299 S , A , T , B French translation religious Mary trobar
L'autrier avint en cel autre päis Conon de Béthune 12th - 13th century 1100 1299 S , A , T , B Occitan translation trobar social commentary
Reis glorios, verais lums e clartatz Giraut de Bornelh 12th century 1100 1199 S , A , T , B Occitan translation religious trobar alba
Chanterai por mon corage Guiot de Dijon 13th century 1200 1299 S , A , T , B French translation trobar war song
Humils forfaitz repres e penedens Guiraut Riquier 13th century 1200 1299 S , A , T , B Occitan translation religious Mary trobar vers
Lanquan li jorn son lonc en mai Jaufre Rudel 12th century 1100 1199 S , A , T , B Occitan translation trobar vers
Be.m meraveill co non es envejos Guiraut Riquier 13th century 1200 1299 S , A , T , B Occitan translation trobar canso
Prendés i garde Guillaume d’Amiens 13th century 1200 1299 S , A , T , B French translation trobar pastoral
Non es meravilla s'eu chan Bernart de Ventadorn 12th century 1100 1199 S , A , T , B Occitan translation trobar vers
Savis e fols, humils et orgoillos Raimbaut de Vaqeiras 12th century 1100 1199 S , A , T , B Occitan translation trobar canso
Veris ad imperia Anonymous 13th century 1200 1299 SSS , SSA , SAA , AAA , TTT , TTB , TBB , BBB Latin chanson translation trobar
De moí dolereus Gillebert De Berneville 13th century 1200 1299 S , A , T , B French translation trobar ballette rotrouenge
Vas vos soplei, domna, primeiramen Raimon Jordan 12th century 1100 1199 S , A , T , B Occitan translation trobar canso
C'est la fins Guillaume d’Amiens 13th century 1200 1299 S , A , T , B French translation trobar
A lentrade del tens clar Anonymous 13th century 1200 1299 S , A , T , B Occitan translation trobar balada
Seigneurs, sachiez qui or ne s'en ira Thibaut IV de Champagne, King of Navarre 13th century 1200 1299 S , A , T , B French translation religious trobar war song
Ara pot hom conoisser e proar Raimbaut de Vaqeiras 12th century 1100 1199 S , A , T , B Occitan translation religious trobar canso canso de crozada war song Chansonnier La Vallière
Nulhs hom en re no falh Raimbaut de Vaqueiras 13th century 1200 1299 S , A , T , B French translation trobar canso authorship disputed Aimeric de Belenoi lyrics
Bien me deüsse targier Conon de Béthune 12th - 13th century 1100 1299 S , A , T , B Occitan translation religious trobar social commentary political
A chantar m'er de so qu' eu no volria La Comtessa de Dia 12th - 13th century 1100 1299 S , A , T , B Occitan translation trobar canso
Ara.m requier sa costum'e son us Raimbaut de Vaqeiras 12th century 1100 1199 S , A , T , B Occitan translation trobar canso
Ja nuns hons pris ne dira sa raison Richard I the Lionheart, King of England 12th century 1100 1199 S , A , T , B French translation trobar social commentary war song political
Guerras ni plag no son bo Raimbaut de Vaqeiras 12th century 1100 1199 S , A , T , B Occitan translation trobar canso
Eissament ai guerrejat ab amor Raimbaut de Vaqeiras 12th century 1100 1199 S , A , T , B Occitan translation trobar canso
Fortz cauza es que tot lo major dan Gaucelm Faidit 12th - 13th century 1100 1299 S , A , T , B Occitan translation trobar social commentary political lament planh
Calenda maja Raimbaut de Vaqeiras 12th century 1100 1199 S , A , T , B Occitan translation trobar anonymous melody arranged by composer estampida
Pos tals sabers mi sors e.m creis Raimbaut d'Aurenga 12th century 1100 1199 S , A , T , B Occitan translation trobar vers St. Germaine des Prés
Jamais nul temps no.m pot re far amors Gaucelm Faidit 13th century 1200 1299 S , A , T , B Occitan translation trobar canso
Volez vous que je vous chant Anonymous 13th century 1200 1299 S , A , T , B French translation trobar
S'ie.us quier conseill, bel' amig' Alamanda Giraut de Bornelh 12th - 13th century 1150 1200 S , A , T , B Occitan translation trobar Alamanda lyrics tenso
No.m agrad'iverns ni pascors Raimbaut de Vaqeiras 12th century 1100 1199 S , A , T , B Occitan translation trobar canso social commentary war song political
Pos sabers no.m val ni sens Guiraut Riquier 13th century 1200 1299 S , A , T , B Occitan translation trobar canso