Ara.m requier sa costum'e son us By: Raimbaut de Vaqeiras


Singable Translation PDF By: Carol Anne Perry Lagemann (CC BY SA 4.0)


Number of Voices: 1
Voicings: S , A , T , B
Date: 12th century
Language: Occitan
Tags: translation trobar canso


LyricsPoetic Translation
Era.m requier sa costum' e son usNow love exacts its dues in solid gold,
Amors, per cui plaing e sospir e veill,So that I weep and lie awake and sigh,
C'a la genssor del mon ai quist conseillFor on her words of counsel I rely:
E.m ditz q'ieu am tan aut cum puosc en susTo love the best and highest I was told,
La meillor dompna, q'ella.m n'es fermanssaAnd if I do, she gives her affirmation
C'onors e pretz m'er e pros e non dans;I'll have no loss, but valor, worth, and praise,
E car ill es del mon la plus prezansAnd since no one on earth can match her ways,
Ai mes en lieis mon cor e m'esperanssa.She has my heart and hope and dedication.
Anc non amet tan aut cum eu negusNo higher love could ever lover hold;
Ni tant pro dompn', e car no.i trob pareillHer peerlessness no person could deny.
M'enten en lieis e l'am al sieu conseillI muse on her and with her laws comply,
Mais que Tisbe non amet Pyramus,Like Thisbe Pyramus in arms would fold,
Que jois e pretz sobre totas l'enanssa,For joy and worth lift her above creation.
Qu'il es als pros plazens et acoindansShe to the valorous attention pays
Et als autres es d'orgoillos semblans,And to the craven shows a haughty gaze;
Larga d'aver e de doussa coindanssa.She gives without a trace of hesitation.
Anc Persivals qand en la cort d'ArtusSir Perceval, who Arthur's court patrolled
Tolc las armas al cavallier vermeillAnd stoutly with the Scarlet Knight did vie,
Non ac tal gauch cum eu del sieu conseill,Did not rejoice as at her words do I;
E.m fai morir si cum mor Tantalus,Like Tantalus, she makes me unconsoled,
Que so.m veda de que.m don' aondanssaWith others shares, but keeps me in frustration,
Midonz q'es pros, cortess' e benestans,My lady brave and courtly in her ways,
Ric' e gentils, joves e ben parlans,Both kind and noble, clever with a phrase,
E de bon sen e de bella semblanssa.And young and fair and wise with contemplation.
Bella dompna, aitant arditz e plusMy lovely lady, I was far more bold,
Fui qan vos quis la joia del cabeillWhen for a lock of hair I thought I'd try
E qe.m dassetz de vostr' amor consseillAnd begged you tell me how to love and die,
No.n fo del saut a Tir Emenadus,Than Emenadus stroming Tyre of old,
Mas a mi.n chai mais de pretz e d'onranssaBut my advance deserves more celebration,
Q'endreich d'amor fo l'ardimens plus grans;Because in love the greater daring plays,
Mas ben deu far tal ardit vostr' amans,In he who loves you fearlessness must blaze
Moira per vos o n'aia benananssa.Toward death or bliss beyond this conflagration.
Ja mos Engles no.m blasme ni m'acusLet not Engles accuse me, blame, or scold
Si.m loing per lieis d'Aureng' e del Monteill,If for her sake Orange I bid goodbye,
C'aissi.m don Dieus del sieu bel cors conseillOr fair Montélimar, for God on high
Cum las meillors valen de lieis en jus,Above all others would her worth uphold.
E s'ieu fos reis d'Englaterr' o de FransaWere France or England in my domination,
Loignera m'en per far totz sos comans,I'd leave it all, for her my heart obeys.
Q'en lieis es totz mos cors e mos talansWith her my heart in fervent longing stays;
Et es la res don plus ai desiranssa.My soul for her is suffering starvation.
Belh Cavalier, en vos ai m'esperansa,My Fairest Knight, you are my hope's foundation;
E quar vos es del mon la plus prezansNo braver personage the world displays.
E la plus pros, no mi deu esser dansNo harm shall I encounter all my days:
Quar vos mi des cosselh e.m fos fermansa.You counseled me and were my compensation.
Na Beatritz de Monferrat s'enansaThe Lady Beatrice gains adulation
Quar totz bos faitz li van ades denans,From valiant deeds that her admirers raise;
Per qu'ieu dauri ab sas lauzors mos chansAnd thus I gild my verses with her praise
E trai m'enan ab sa belha semblansa.And move to follow her, my inspiration.
Raimbaut de VaqueirasCarol Anne Perry Lagemann

Direct Translation

See Leonardo Malcovati's work at