A Madre do que a bestia By: Alfonso X el Sabio, King of Castile and León


Singable Translation PDF By: Carol Anne Perry Lagemann (CC BY SA 4.0)


Number of Voices: 1
Voicings: S , A , T , B
Date: 13th century
Language: Galician-Portuguese
Tags: translation cantiga Cantigas de Santa Maria religious Mary


Lyrics Direct Translation Poetic Translation
Como ?a mollテゥr pテウbre dテゥu sa ovella a guardar a un ovelleiro, e quando ao trosquテッar das ovellas v?o a vテゥlla demandar a sテコa e o ovelleiro disse que a comera o lobo, chamou Santa Marテュa de Rocamador, e a ovella braadou u lla tiテュnna o ovelleiro asconduda e disse: ・E€・Eei-me acテ。, ei-m' acテ。.・E€・E How a poor woman gave her sheep to the keep of a shepherd, and when the sheep were sheared, the old woman came to demand her sheep, and the herder said that the wolf had eaten it. She called on Holy Mary of Rocamadour, and the sheep bleated from where the shepherd had it hidden and said: "He-e-ere I-I-I a-a-am."
A Madre do que a bestia | de Balaam falar fez The Mother of Him who made the donkey of Balaam speak The Mother of Him who once made | The donkey of Balaam speak
ar fez pois ?a ovella | ela falar ?a vez. once made a sheep speak also. Did once make a sheep to talk, for | She always defends the weak.
Esto fez Santa Marテュa This Holy Mary did Holy Mary did this favor
por ?a pテウbre mollテゥr for a poor woman For a woman who was poor,
que a de grado servテュa who served Her gladly, Who for Mary gladly labored,
come quen ben servir quテゥr; as one who will eagerly serve. Eager to do any chore.
e porend' ela un dテュa Therefore, Holy Mary helped her one day Holy Mary kindly saved her
valeu-ll' u lle foi mestテゥr when she had need In her time of need, therefore.
e mostrou i sテゥu miragre, | que vos non foi mui rafez. and performed there Her miracle, which I assure you was no insignificant thing. The miracle she performed was | Significant and unique.
Aquesta mollテゥr mesquinna This poor woman Scrimping, saving every penny,
de quanto pud' achegar bought a sheep This poor woman bought a sheep.
comprou ?a ovellinna will all the money she could scrape together To a shepherd who had many
e foi-a dar a guardar and gave it right away Beasts, she gave her sheep to keep.
a un pegureir' aginna; to a shepherd. When the shearing time began, she
e pois ao trosquテッar Then, at the shearing, Went to claim the wool he reaped,
foi テェn demandar a lテ」a | pola vender por sテゥu prez. she went to claim the wool from him to sell it for her profit. In hopes she could turn a profit, | The meagerest life to eke.
Mas o pegureir' astroso However, the wily shepherd But the shepherd, mean and wily
a ovella ascondeu hid the sheep Hid the sheep with blatant greed.
e come cobiiテァoso and like the greedy man he was, To the woman, he said slyly,
diss': "O lobo a comeu." said: "The wolf ate it." "When the wolf came by to feed,
A vテゥlla por mentiroso The old woman knew your small sheep was eaten vilely."
o tev' end', e lle creceu he was lying and became But she knew he lied indeed.
tal coita por sa ovella | que tornou tal come pez. so aggrieved for her sheep that she turned black with rage. She blackened her angry features | And loudly began to shriek,
E disse: "Ai, Grorテッosa, She said: "Oh, Glorious Lady, Saying, "Queen in Heaven's splendor,
a mia ovella me dテ。, give me my sheep, Please give back my little lamb.
ca tu end' テゥs poderosa for you have the power Since You are the Great Defender,
de o fazer." E dalテ。 to do so." And from there I believe You surely can."
du jazテュa a astrosa where it lay, the hapless From the bushes came a slender,
ovella diss': "Ei-m' acテ。." sheep cried: "He-e-ere I-I-I a-a-am." Sheepish bleat, "Oh, he-e-ere I am."
E assテュ Santa Marテュa | aquest' engano desfez. Thus Holy Mary exposed the deceit. And that is how Holy Mary | Convicted the lying sneak.
E a vテゥlla mui festinno The old woman speedily After she had done her shearing,
sa ovella trosquテッou, sheared her sheep She went walking with her sack,
e meteu-s' ao caminno and set out on her way Moving quickly, persevering
e quanto mテ。s pod' andou, and walked as fast as she could, With the wool upon her back.
a cテウstas sテゥu velocinno; carrying the wool on her back. At Rocamador appearing,
a Rocamador chegou, She arrived at Rocamadour She declared as she unpacked:
dizend': "Esto fez a Virgen | que sempre teve belmez." saying: "This is the work of the Virgin, who always defends us." "This work is the Virgin's doing, | Defender of all the meek."
Alfonso X el Sabio, King of Castile and Leテウn Alfonso. Songs of Holy Mary of Alfonso X, the Wise: A Translation of the Cantigas de Santa Maria. Trans. Kathleen Kulp-Hill. Tempe, AZ: Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2000. Print.