SCA Choreography


Beautiful Joy SCA Choreography
Belle Qui (Carolingian) Pavanne SCA Choreography
Burley Mariners SCA Choreography
Coronita Gentile SCA Choreography
Earl of Salisbury Pavanne SCA Choreography
Fiddlesticks (Not your gaffer’s Fedelta) SCA Choreography
Ginevra Weasley SCA Choreography
Golden Pavanne SCA Choreography
Griffoné d'Oro (A Lieta Vita) SCA Choreography
Heralds in Love SCA Choreography
If Wishes Were Horses (Not your gaffer’s Villanella) SCA Choreography
Irish Washerwoman SCA Choreography
John Tallow’s Canon SCA Choreography
Le Loup Courant Pavanne SCA Choreography
Lord Sun & Lady Moon SCA Choreography
Mordred's Lullaby SCA Choreography
Never Give Consent SCA Choreography
On the Banks of the Helicon SCA Choreography
Oncoming Pelican SCA Choreography
Puzzle Box (Revised) SCA Choreography
Quen Quer Que na Virgen Fia SCA Choreography
Riunione SCA Choreography
Road to the Isles SCA Choreography
Rondo Tutti Battuti or The Two Five Hundred Pound Canaries Bransle SCA Choreography
Saint Barbara's SCA Choreography
Saltarello la Regina SCA Choreography
Saltarello II (Prendente in Gyro) SCA Choreography
SCA Maltese (Turkish Bransle) SCA Choreography
St. Joan SCA Choreography
Sweet Nothings (Not your gaffer’s Gracca) SCA Choreography
The Irish Gypsy (or Sionnain’s Shamrock) SCA Choreography
The Return of Spring SCA Choreography
The Traitor's Measure SCA Choreography
Two Fat Ladies SCA Choreography
Violets Fancie SCA Choreography