Saint Barbara's By: James Blackcloak



(Longways for as Many as Will) ==In 4==
C1 dances as normal, each other C dances 2 bars behind the one in front.
V1 Double fwd & back; Set & turn; repeat 2;2;4
C1 Double fwd; Turn single away from Ptnr; Cast down 2 places 1;1;2
Double fwd; Turn single away from Ptnr; Turn Ptnr 1;1;2
V2 Side R; Set & turn; Side L; Set & turn 2;2;2;2
C2 Take R hands w/Ptnr; Star 1/4 w/ 2 Singles 1
Lead down center of set to next C; Star 1/4 w/ 2 Singles 1;1
Turn single up the set to Ptnr's position; repeat 1;4
V3 Arm R; Set & turn; Arm L; Set & turn 2;2;2;2
C3 Pass down betw C below & cast to place; repeat w/ C above 2;2
Cast around C below and lead to place; repeat w/ C above 2;2



Category: SCA Choreography