
A Health to Betty Progression Dance
Adson's Saraband English Country
Alenchon Basse Dance - Burgundian or French
All in a Garden Green English Country
Allegrezza d’Amore Italian Balli - 16th Century & Later
Alta Regina Italian Balli - 16th Century & Later
Altezza d’Amore Italian Balli - 16th Century & Later
Amoroso Italian Balli - 15th Century
Anello Italian Balli - 15th Century
Argeers English Country
Aridan Bransle
Ballo del Fiore (for 2) Italian Balli - 16th Century & Later
Ballo del Fiore (for 3) Italian Balli - 16th Century & Later
Barcelonne/Le moys de may Basse Dance - Burgundian or French
Beautiful Joy SCA Choreography
Beggar Boy English Country
Belfiore Italian Balli - 15th Century
Bella Gioiosa Italian Balli - 16th Century & Later
Belle Qui (Carolingian) Pavanne SCA Choreography
Belreguardo Italian Balli - 15th Century
Bizzaria d'Amore Italian Balli - 16th Century & Later
Black Alman Inns of Court
Black Nag English Country
Boate Man English Country
Bonny Bonny Broom English Country
Brando di Cales Italian Balli - 16th Century & Later
Burgundian Bransle
Burley Mariners SCA Choreography
Candida Luna Italian Balli - 16th Century & Later
Candlestick (Torch) Bransle Bransle
Cassandra Bransle Bransle
Casuelle Novelle / Castile la Novele Basse Dance - Burgundian or French
Charlotte Bransle Bransle
Chestnut English Country
Chiara Stella Italian Balli - 16th Century & Later
Chiaranzana Italian Balli - 16th Century & Later
La Chirantana Italian Balli - 15th Century
Clog Bransle Bransle
Colonnese Italian Balli - 15th Century
Confesse English Country
Contentezza d'Amore (From Il Ballarino) Italian Balli - 16th Century & Later
Contentezza d'Amore (From Nobilita) Italian Balli - 16th Century & Later
Contrapasso Italian Balli - 16th Century & Later
Contrapasso in Due Italian Balli - 16th Century & Later
Coronita Gentile SCA Choreography
Cuckolds All A Row English Country
Danse de Cleves Basse Dance - Burgundian or French
Dargason English Country
Dolce Amorosa Fiamma Italian Balli - 16th Century & Later
Donna Leggiadra Italian Balli - 16th Century & Later
Double Bransle Bransle
Dull Sir John English Country
Earl of Essex Measure Inns of Court
Earl of Salisbury Pavanne SCA Choreography
Eglamour Gresley
Epping Forest English Country
Faine I Would If I Could English Country
Fedelta Italian Balli - 16th Century & Later
Fedelta d'Amore Italian Balli - 16th Century & Later
Female Sailor Progression Dance
Fia Giuelmina Italian Balli - 15th Century
Fiamma d’Amore Italian Balli - 16th Century & Later
Fiddlesticks (Not your gaffer’s Fedelta) SCA Choreography
Fine Companion English Country
Florido Giglio Italian Balli - 16th Century & Later
Fulgente Stella Italian Balli - 16th Century & Later
Furioso Italian Balli - 16th Century & Later
Gathering Peascods English Country
Gay Bransle Bransle
Gelosia Italian Balli - 15th Century
Gentilezza D’Amore Italian Balli - 16th Century & Later
Ginevra Weasley SCA Choreography
Gioioso in Tre Italian Balli - 15th Century
Giove Italian Balli - 15th Century
Giunto M'Ha Amore Italian Balli - 16th Century & Later
Gloria d'Amore Italian Balli - 16th Century & Later
Glory of the West English Country
Goddesses English Country
Golden Pavanne SCA Choreography
Gracca Amorosa Italian Balli - 16th Century & Later
Gratia d'Amore Italian Balli - 16th Century & Later
Graziosa Italian Balli - 15th Century
Grene Gynger Gresley
Griffoné d'Oro (A Lieta Vita) SCA Choreography
Grimstock English Country
Half Hannigan Progression Dance
Haye Bransle Bransle
Heart’s Ease English Country
Heralds in Love SCA Choreography
Hermits Branlse Bransle
Hit and Misse English Country
Hockley-in-the-Hole English Country
Hole in the Wall Progression Dance
Horses Branlse Bransle
Hyde Park English Country
If All the World Were Paper English Country
If Wishes Were Horses (Not your gaffer’s Villanella) SCA Choreography
Il Bianco Fiore Italian Balli - 16th Century & Later
Il Conto dell ’Orco Italian Balli - 16th Century & Later
Il Gratioso Italian Balli - 16th Century & Later
Irish Washerwoman SCA Choreography
Jack Pudding English Country
Jamaica Progression Dance
Jenny Pluck Pears English Country
Jog On Progression Dance
John Tallow’s Canon SCA Choreography
Jouyssance Vous Donneray Basse Dance - Burgundian or French
Juice of Barley Progression Dance
Kelsterne Gardens English Country
Kemps Jegg English Country
Kettle Drum English Country
Korobushka Other Dance
La Castellana Italian Balli - 16th Century & Later
Laccio d’Amore Italian Balli - 16th Century & Later
Lady Layton’s Measure Inns of Court
L'Amoroso Italian Balli - 15th Century
Ländler Other Dance
Lauro Basse Dance - Italian
Le Bens Distonys Gresley
Le Loup Courant Pavanne SCA Choreography
Leggiadria d’Amore Italian Balli - 16th Century & Later
Leoncello Novo Italian Balli - 15th Century
Leoncello Vecchio Italian Balli - 15th Century
Lo Spagnoletto Italian Balli - 16th Century & Later
Lorayne Alman Inns of Court
Lord of Carnavan’s Jegg English Country
Lord Sun & Lady Moon SCA Choreography
Lull Me Beyond Thee English Country
Madam Sosilia’s Alman Inns of Court
Mage on a Cree English Country
Maid Peeped Out the Window English Country
Maiden Lane English Country
Maltese (Bransle de Malte) Bransle
Maraviglia d’Amore Italian Balli - 16th Century & Later
Marchesana Italian Balli - 15th Century
Mercantia Italian Balli - 15th Century
Merry Merry Milk Maids English Country
Milke-Mayds Bobb English Country
Montarde Bransle Bransle
Moonshine Other Dance
Mordred's Lullaby SCA Choreography
My Lady Cullen Progression Dance
Never Give Consent SCA Choreography
New Alman Inns of Court
New Exchange English Country
New Yer de Tribus Gresley
Newcastle English Country
Nonesuch English Country
Official Bransle Bransle
Old Alman Inns of Court
On the Banks of the Helicon SCA Choreography
Oncoming Pelican SCA Choreography
Oranges & Lemons English Country
Parson’s Farewell English Country
Paul's Steeple Progression Dance
Pease Bransle Bransle
Peppers Black Progression Dance
Petit Vriens Italian Balli - 15th Century
Petite Rose Italian Balli - 15th Century
Picking of Sticks English Country
Pinagay Bransle Bransle
Pizocara Italian Balli - 15th Century
Poitou Bransle Bransle
Prenes a Gard Gresley
Prexonera Italian Balli - 15th Century
Prince William’s Hey English Country
Puzzle Box (Revised) SCA Choreography
Quadran Pavanne Inns of Court
Queen’s Alman Inns of Court
Quen Quer Que na Virgen Fia SCA Choreography
Rawty de Duobus Gresley
Riunione SCA Choreography
Road to the Isles SCA Choreography
Rondo Tutti Battuti or The Two Five Hundred Pound Canaries Bransle SCA Choreography
Rose is White and Rose is Red Progression Dance
Rosina Italian Balli - 15th Century
Rostiboli Gioioso Italian Balli - 15th Century
Rufty Tufty English Country
Saint Barbara's SCA Choreography
Saint Martins English Country
Saltarello la Regina SCA Choreography
Saltarello II (Prendente in Gyro) SCA Choreography
SCA Maltese (Turkish Bransle) SCA Choreography
Scotch Cap English Country
Scottish/Escosse Bransle Bransle
Sellinger’s Round English Country
Shepheard's Holiday / Labour in Vaine English Country
Single Bransle Bransle
Spagnoletta Regolata Italian Balli - 16th Century & Later
Spanish Jeepsie English Country
Spanish Pavan Other Dance
Spero Italian Balli - 15th Century
St. Joan SCA Choreography
Stanes Morris Progression Dance
Stingo English Country
Sweet Nothings (Not your gaffer’s Gracca) SCA Choreography
Talbott Gresley
Tesara Italian Balli - 15th Century
The Fryar and the Nun Progression Dance
The Health English Country
The Irish Gypsy (or Sionnain’s Shamrock) SCA Choreography
The Night Peece English Country
The Old Mole English Country
The Queen’s Jigg Progression Dance
The Return of Spring SCA Choreography
The Scotch Morris Progression Dance
The Traitor's Measure SCA Choreography
Tinternell Inns of Court
Torneo Amoroso Italian Balli - 16th Century & Later
Trenchmore Progression Dance
Trihory of Brittany Bransle
Turkelone Inns of Court
Two Fat Ladies SCA Choreography
Up Tailes All Progression Dance
Upon a Summer’s Day English Country
Verçepe Italian Balli - 15th Century
Villanella Italian Balli - 16th Century & Later
Villanicco Italian Balli - 16th Century & Later
Violets Fancie SCA Choreography
Vita di Cholino Italian Balli - 15th Century
Vite de Colei Italian Balli - 15th Century
War Bransle
Washerwomen's Bransle Bransle
Whirlygig English Country
Woodicock English Country