Bella Gioiosa By: Caroso



(3 people in circle) ==In 6==
V1 Take hands & Rev w/ jump; Trab LRLR & drop hands 2;2
Turn L: Spez LR, Passi LR; Cad 2;1;1
Face L i n wheel Spez LRLR;Scam LR 4;4
Ch Leader turn L in Spez L, Cad; #2 (to R of Leader) same; #3 same 2 (3x)
V2 Leader Passi LR; Cad; Trab LRLR or Canario LRLRL 1;1;2
(Leader only) Rip LL, Trab LR; (turn L in) Spez L; Cad 1;1;1;1
Joust all L side in Spez L fwd; Spez R back; Spez LR to switch 1;1;2
L side in Spez L fwd; Spez R back; Spez LR to switch; Chorus 1;1;2;6
V3 Verse 2 w/ #2 (to R of Leader) as Leader; Chorus w/#2 leading 16;6
V4 Verse 2 w/ #3 as Leader; Chorus w/ #3 leading 16;6
V5 Face L in wheel Semidoppio LR; Rip LL; Trab LR 4;1;1
Turn L in Spez L, Cad 2
Face R in wheel Semidoppio RL; Rip RR; Trab RL 4;1;1
Turn R in Spez R, Cad; Chorus (w/ orig leader) 2;6
V6 Fioretti a pie pari LR; Passi LR (back) 1;1
Spez LR (change places, leader pass betw) 2
Fioretti a pie pari RL; Passi RL (back) 1;1
Spez RL (change places, leader pass betw) 2
Chain w/ 6 Spez (leader betw then L) 6
Passi LR; Cad; repeat Chorus 1;1;6
V7 Trab LRLR; Canario LRLR 2;2
Rip LL; Trab LR; (turn L in) Spez L; Cad 1;1;1;1
Trab RLRL; Canario RLRL 2;2
Rip RR; Trab RL; (turn R in) Spez R; Cad; Chorus 1;1;1;1;6


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Category: Italian Balli - 16th Century & Later