Bonny Bonny Broom By: John Playford



(4 Couples in a line) ==In 4==
V1 Double fwd & back; C1&2 cast to place as C3&4 same; face down & repeat 2;2;4
C1 C1&3 meet & back; circle to place; C2&4 same 2;2;4
V2 Side R; Set & turn; Side L; Set & turn 2;2;2;2
C2 C1 & C2 switch(Ld w/Ld); C3&C4 switch; S et & turn; repeat 1;1;2;4
V3 Arm R; Set & turn; Arm L; Set & turn 2;2;2;2
C3 C1 fwd & back as Lds2&3 & Lys 2&3 away & back as C4 down & back 2
Circle half around; repeat 2;4

Sheet Music


Category: English Country