Allegrezza d’Amore By: Caroso



(3 People in a Circle) ==In 3==
P1 Take hands & Rev; Drop hands & Spez LR, flanking back 4;4
Passi LR, Cad to the L; Passi RL, Cad to the R 4;4
Trab L to even feet flanking back (Leader first, then to R) 6
Passi LR, Cad fwd 4
Slow Trab LR 4
Spez LR, flanking back; Passi LR Cad fwd 4;4
P2 Fioretti a pie pari LR; Passi LR (back); Spez LR (switch, leader betw) 2;2;4
Fioretti a pie pari RL; Passi RL (back); Spez RL (switch back) 2;2;4
Rev ( Leader first, then to R) 6
Canarii turning L; 6 Canarii turning R; Passi LR, Cad fwd 12;4
P3 Chain w/ 8 Sez , touching hands 16
Passi in Galliarda, Cad (kick, kick, jump) (Leader first, then to R) 6
Scam LR; Puntate L fwd & R back; Turn L in Spez L, Cad 8;4;4
P4 Fioretti a pie pari LR; Trab LR, Passi LR, Cad to L 2;2;4
Fioretti a pie pari RL; Trab RL, Passi RL, Cad to R 2;2;4
Battute LR (stomp, stomp) (Leader first, then to R) 6
Scorsi LR, Cad changing places (Leader first, then to R); Rev 12;4


Sheet Music


Category: Italian Balli - 16th Century & Later