Never Give Consent By: James Blackcloak



(2 Couples facing 2 Couples) ==In 4==
V1 Double fwd & back 2
Squish the set: Insides change places w/ prtnr & Double back
as outsides Double fwd & change places w/ opposite 2
Double fwd & back w/ opposite; Squish the set 2;2
C1 Outsides cast away from set & back to place, insides following 2
Groups of 4 circle halfway; turn single; R hand star; turn single 1;1;1;1
Squish the set; Repeat chorus w/ new outsides leading 2;8
V2 Side R w/ ptnr; Squish the set; Side L w/ opposite; Squish the set 2;2;2;2
C2 Outsides cast as before; Arches: Lds slip under Lys arches 2;1
Lys slip under Lds; Insides slip under outsides; Outsides under insides 1;1;1
Squish the set; Repeat chorus 2;8



Category: SCA Choreography