V1 |
Heads Double fwd & 2 hand switch w/ opp |
2 |
Heads Double back as Sides fwd to meet & switch |
2 |
C1 |
Face across the short dimension of the set |
Lds honor Lys, then Lys Lds; Sides Double back & arch as Heads Dbl fwd |
1;1 |
Heads lead opp through arch; Heads Cast to place as Sides switch |
1;1 |
Face across short dimension of set Lys honor Lds, then Lds honor Lys |
1 |
Heads back a Double & form arches while Sides Double fwd |
1 |
Sides lead opp out through the arches, then cast back to place; Heads |
wait until Sides have passed through, then use last 4 counts to trade places |
2 |
V2 |
Sides back a Double as Heads fwd to meet; Head hands around halfway |
1;1 |
Heads back a Double as Sides fwd to meet; Sides hands around halfway |
1;1 |
C2 |
Face across short dimension of set Lds honor Lys, then Lys honor Lds |
1 |
Sides back a Double while Heads Double fwd |
1 |
Heads cast away & to place, Sides each following nearest Head |
2 |
Face across short dimension of set Lys honor Lds, then Lds honor Lys |
1 |
Heads back a Double while Sides Double fwd |
1 |
Sides cast away & to place, Heads following nearest Side |
2 |
V3 |
Take hands all around & circle w/ 8 slips to the L; 8 slips to the R |
2;2 |
While circling expand the set from its “collapsed” form back into a square |
C3 |
(Death Spiral) Lds honor the set; Lys honor the set |
½;½ |
Lds Double fwd to form a small square in the center |
1 |
Lds rotate the square CW & fall back to place |
2 |
Lys honor the set; Lds honor the set |
½;½ |
Lys do death sprial as Lds did |
3 |