STB Pieces

Start Year: 900 | End Year: 1700

Plaude euge theotocos Petrus Wilhelmi Grudencz 14th - 15th century 1392 1480 SAT , STB Latin original language motet translation religious Mary acrostic 15th-century motet
Blow Thy Horne Hunter William Cornysh 15th - 16th century 1465 1523 SAB , STB English original language
Pastime With Good Company Henry VIII 16th century 1500 1547 SAB , STB English original language
No me digáis mal Alonso Perez de Alba 15th century 1400 1499 SAB , STB , AAB , ATB Spanish villancico translation comedy Cancionero de Palacio
Mariam matrem Virginem attolite Anonymous 14th century 1300 1399 STT , STB , ATT , ATB Latin translation religious Mary virelai Llibre Vermell de Montserrat
?Oh, Reyes magos benditos! Juan del Encina 15th - 16th century 1468 1510 STB , ATB Spanish holiday villancico translation religious Cancionero de Palacio
Contre raison Tielman Susato 16th century 1500 1599 SAB , STB , AAB , ATB French chanson translation
Enemiga le soy, madre Anonymous 15th century 1400 1499 SAB , STB , AAB , ATB Spanish villancico translation Cancionero de Palacio Juan del Encina lyrics
Verbum Patris umanatur Walter of Châtillon 12th century 1100 1199 SAT , SAB , STT , STB , AAT , AAB , ATT , ATB , TTT , TTB Latin holiday translation religious Mary conductus
No debo dar culpa Pedro de Escobar 15th century 1400 1499 SAB , STB , AAB , ATB Spanish villancico translation Cancionero de Palacio
Fortuna desperata Antoine Busnois 15th century 1400 1499 STT , STB , ATT , ATB Italian madrigal translation
Dictes moy toutes voz pensées Loyset Compère 15th - 16th century 1400 1599 STB , ATB French chanson translation
Ecco il verno Hans Brachrogge 17th century 1600 1699 STB , SBB , ATB , ABB Italian madrigal translation
La que tengo no es prision Francisco de la Torre 15th century 1400 1499 STT , STB Spanish ballata villancico translation Cancionero de Palacio Conde de Cifuentes lyrics
Sol sol gi gi A B C Anonymous 15th century 1400 1499 STB , ATB Spanish villancico translation Cancionero de Palacio
Levanta Pascual Juan del Encina 15th - 16th century 1400 1599 SAB , STB , AAB Spanish villancico translation Cancionero de Palacio war song Granada
Quant je veux en amour; Alors, je luy respon Jean de Castro 16th century 1500 1599 SAB , STB French chanson translation
¿Qu'es de ti, desconsolado? Juan del Encina 15th - 16th century 1400 1599 SAB , STB , AAB , ATB Spanish translation Cancionero de Palacio war song Granada