Levanta Pascual By: Juan del Encina


Singable Translation PDF By: Carol Anne Perry Lagemann (CC BY SA 4.0)


Number of Voices: 3
Voicings: SAB , STB , AAB
Date: 15th - 16th century
Language: Spanish
Tags: villancico translation Cancionero de Palacio war song Granada


Lyrics Direct Translation Poetic Translation
Levanta, Pascual, levanta, Get up, Pascual, get up, Get up now, Pascual, get up now!
aballemos a Granada, Let's take our flock to Granada, The flock -- to Granada lead it,
que se suena qu'es tomada. For it sounds like it's taken. For they say it’s been defeated.
Levanta toste priado, Get up quickly; Get up, move quickly, and hustle.
toma tu perro y çurrón, Take your dog and your pouch, Take your old dog and your poke,
tu çamarra y çamarrón, Your sheepskin and your apron, Get your sheepskin and cloak,
tus albogues y cayado. Your shawm and your shepherd's crook. Your shawm and crook: Move your muscles!
Vamos ver el gasajado Let's go see the celebration Let’s go see the merry bustle
de aquella ciudad nombrada, In that famous city, In the city of fame repeated,
que se suena qu'es tomada. For it sounds like it's taken. For they say it’s been defeated.
Asmo cuidas que te creo. I know you think you've fooled me. Looks like you think you can fool me.
¡Juro a mí que me chufeas! I swear you're pulling my leg! Don’t you think I can see through you?
Si tú mucho lo desseas If you want it so much, Even more, I’ll bet, than you do,
¡soncas! yo más lo desseo. God! I want it more. I wish it were fallen truly.
Mas alamiesé no veo But I don't see anything So far, no one’s given, you’ll see,
apero de tal majada. That proves such a story, The proof that their story needed
Que se suena qu'es tomada. For it sounds like it's taken. When they said it’s been defeated.
!Ora pese a diez contigo, For God's sake, you! Oh, for God’s sake, Heaven bless it;
siempre piensas que te miento! You always think I'm lying to you! You always think that I’m lying!
¡Ahotas que me arrepiento Now I regret it I’m sorry for even trying;
porque a ti nada te digo! And I'll tell you nothing! Next time I’ll just make you guess it!
And'acá, vete comigo, Come here, go with me; Move; get up; let’s go and test it:
no te tardes más tardada, Do not delay any longer, Quickly come, as I’ve entreated,
que se suena qu'es tomada. For it sounds like it's taken. For they say it’s been defeated.
Déxate desso, carillo: Leave it alone, friend: Better to think of our duty:
curemos bien del ganado, Let's take good care of our cattle, We’d better tend to the cattle,
no se meta en lo vedado, So they don't wander into forbidden territory Or they’ll wander toward the battle,
que nos prenda algún morillo. And make us get caught by some Moor. And turn into Moorish booty.
Tañamos el caramillo, Let's play the flageolet Let’s pipe up a tune of beauty;
porque todo lo otro es nada. because everything else is nothing, All this gossip should go unheeded,
Que se suena qu'es tomada. For it sounds like it's taken. Though they say it’s been defeated.
Pues el ganado se estiende, As the cattle spread out, Well, let the livestock go wander;
déxalo bien estender, Let them extend themselves. Let them go wander a ways.
porque ya puede pacer Because they can already graze It’s safe already to graze;
seguramente hasta allende. Safely into the beyond. In quiet peace they can maunder.
And'acá, no te estés ende, Come here; don't stand there: Look now toward the sky out yonder:
mira cuánta de ahumada, See how much smoke there is, See the smoke that climbs to meet it.
que se suena qu'es tomada. For it sounds like it's taken. As they say, it’s been defeated.
¡O qué reyes tan benditos! O king and queen so blessed! Queen and king of faith undoubted!
Vámonos, vámonos yendo, Let's go, let's get going, Come on, let’s go, for I perceive it,
que ya te voy percreyendo I already believe you, And I already believe it.
según oyo grandes gritos. Hearing great screams. Let’s go now, just as you’ve shouted,
Llevemos estos cabritos Let's take these kids [goats], To trade our goats to the routed
porque havrá venta chapada, Because there will be a gilded sale, And buy gold spoils that they’ve ceded,
que se suena qu'es tomada. For it sounds like it's taken. For they say it’s been defeated.
Aballa, toma tu hato, Cow man, take your herd; O cow-man, listen neatly,
contaréte a maravilla I will tell you a wonder: I will tell you of a wonder:
cómo se entregó la villa, How the town was delivered, How that famous town went under
según dizen, no ha gran rato. As they say, in a short while. With force shattering and speedy.
¡O quién viera tan gran trato Oh, who has seen such a great treaty Oh, who’s seen such a great treaty
al tiempo que fue entregada, As there was at the time it was delivered! As when city and victors treated,
que se suena qu'es tomada! For it sounds like it's taken. For they say it’s been defeated?
Cuenta, cuéntame las nuevas, Tell me, tell me the news, Hearing this, I’m feeling giddy;
que yo estoy muy gasajoso, For I am enjoying myself very much, Tell me the details I can treasure,
mas no tomaré reposo But I will take no rest But I will not loaf in leisure
hasta llegar do me llevas. Until you take me and we arrive. Till we’ve arrived at the city.
¡Chapado zagal apruevas! Golden young man, you're okay! Young man, you are prudent and witty!
Dios nos dé buena jornada, God has given us a good day's work, We thank God Spain has succeeded,
que se suena qu'es tomada. For it sounds like it's taken. For they say it’s been defeated.
Yo te diré cómo fue: I'll tell you how it was: Really it happened this way:
que nuestra reina y el rey, How our queen and the king, Our queen and our king, shining gold
luzeros de nuestra ley, The lights of our faith, Like stars in the faith we hold,
partieron de Santafé, Left from Santa Fe, Both rode out from Santa Fe.
y partieron, soncas, que And departed, my God, They rode forth in early day;
dizen que esta madrugada. They say it was before dawn. Dawn from the highway they greeted,
Que se suena qu'es tomada. For it sounds like it's taken. And they say it’s been defeated.
Luego allá estarán ya todos Then they will all be there, With all our host in massed collection
metidos en la ciudad Stuffed into the city, The city now must teeming be,
con muy gran solenidad, With very great solmenity, Filled with great solemnity
con dulzes cantos y modos. With sweet songs and manners. And songs and joyous connection.
¡O claridad de los godos, Oh, clarity of the Goths, The Gothic line’s perfection,
reyes de gloria nombrada! Our king and queen of famous glory! Sovereigns with glory completed!
Que se suena qu'es tomada For it sounds like it's taken. For they say it’s been defeated.
¡Qué consuelo y qué conorte What comfort and what consolation To our eyes, what consolation:
ver por torres y garitas To see on towers and gates On each turret and each tower
alçar las cruzes benditas! The Blessed Crosses raised! Is raised the Cross of power!
¡O qué plazer y deporte! What happiness and joy! What a relief! What elation!
Y entraba toda la corte And the whole court entered The Court in splendid formation
a milagro ataviada. Attired in a miracle, Through Granada’s gates proceeded,
Que se suena qu'es tomada. For it sounds like it's taken. And they say it’s been defeated.
Juan del Encina Carol Anne Perry Lagemann Carol Anne Perry Lagemann