In dulci jubilo, | Let shouts of joy ascend! |
Nun singet und seid froh! | Your voices gladly blend! | |
Unsers Herzens Wonne liegt | For our heart's desire | |
in praesepio, | Did to a trough descend, | |
Und leuchtet als die Sonne | Like sunlight's shining fire, | |
Matris in gremio, | In mother's lap our Friend, | |
Alpha es et O! | He the start and end! | |
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O Jesu parvule | O Jesus, small and new, | |
Nach dir ist mir so weh! | I suffer, lacking you! | |
Tröst' mir mein Gemüte | Come and easy my aching, | |
O puer optime | O Baby, best who grew, | |
Durch alle deine Güte | In kindness comfort making, | |
O princeps gloriae. | O Prince of glory true. | |
Trahe me post te! | Draw me there to you! | |
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O Patris caritas! | O Father's loving care! | |
O Nati lenitas! | O gentle Baby rare! | |
Wir wären all verloren | Surely sin had chained us, | |
Per nostra crimina | In all the ways we err. | |
So hat er uns erworben | But out of love you gained us | |
Coelorum gaudia | The joys of Heaven fair. | |
Eia, wären wir da! | Oh, we wish we were there! | |
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Ubi sunt gaudia? | Where is gladness, where? | |
Nirgend mehr denn da! | No place more than there! | |
Da die Engel singen | Angels there are singing | |
Nova cantica, | New-made songs in prayer, | |
Und die Schellen klingen | And the bells are ringing | |
In regis curia. | With King and court to share. | |
Eia, wären wir da! | Oh, we wish we were there! | |
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Heinrich Suso | Carol Anne Perry Lagemann | |