Violets Fancie By: James Blackcloak



(3 Couples in a line) ==In 4==
V1 Double fwd & back; Slow Set; repeat 2;2;4
C1 Ld1 & Ly 3 Cast off L (others following0; Furll turn ptnr 2;2
C2 as much; Ld3 & Ly1 as much 4;4
V2 Side R; Slow Set; Side L Slow Set 2;2;2;2
C2 C1 lead full Crossover Hey and 1 extra pass; Reverse back to place 4;4
V3 Arm R; Slow Set; Arm L; Slow Set 2;2;2;2
C3 Ld1 change places with Ly2; Ld2; Ly3; Honor. 1;1;1;1
Ly2 as much, etc. (4x) 4(4x)

Audio Recordings


Category: SCA Choreography