Personent hodie By: Anonymous


Singable Translation PDF By: Carol Anne Perry Lagemann (CC BY SA 4.0)


Number of Voices: 1
Voicings: S , A , T , B
Date: 14th century
Language: Latin
Tags: holiday translation religious school song Piae Cantiones


Lyrics Direct Translation Poetic Translation
Personent hodie Resound today On this day, all around
Voces puerulae Voices of boys, Voices of boys resound,
Laudantes iucunde Praising merrily Praises sweet and profound:
Qui nobis est natus, He who is born to us, He is born to save us
Summo Deo datus, Given by the Supreme God, Whom the Father gave us.
Et de virgineo And of a virgin's Of a maid He was born;
Ventre procreatus. Womb born. Mighty God forgave us.
In mundo nascitur; He was born into the world, To this world He was born,
Pannis involvitur; Wrapped in rags, Wrapped in cloths thin and torn,
Praesepi ponitur Placed in a manger Slept in hay and in corn
Stabulo brutorum In a stable for animals, In a barn for cattle,
Rector supernorum; The Ruler of Heaven; Who might count us chattel.
Perdit spolia Has lost his spoils Hell has lost all the spoils
Princeps Infernorum. The Prince of Hell. That it took in battle.
Magi tres venerunt; Three Wise Men came; Came three Kings, wisely taught;
Munera offerunt; They offered gifts; Rich and fine gifts they brought
Parvulum inquirunt, They sought the Child, To the Babe Whom they sought
Stellulam sequendo, Following the Star Where the star had guided;
Ipsum adorando, In total adoration. Worshiping, abided.
Aurum, thus et myrrham Gold, incense, and myrrh Gold and myrrh, frankincense,
Ei offerendo. They offered. Gladly they provided.
Omnes clericuli, All clerics, All you priests, make some noise;
Pariter pueri, Together with the boys, Sing this song with the boys!
Cantent ut angeli: Sing like the angels: Angel-like, sing your joys:
"Advenisti mundo: "You have come into the world; "To Him Who amazes
Laudes tibi fundo I pour out praises to you. I pour out my praises.
Ideo: Gloria Therefore: Glory Glory high to our God
In excelsis Deo." In the highest to God." Thus my singing raises!"
Anonymous Carol Anne Perry Lagemann Carol Anne Perry Lagemann