La vida de Culin By: Anonymous


Singable Translation PDF By: Carol Anne Perry Lagemann (CC BY SA 4.0)


Number of Voices: 4
Date: 15th century
Language: Italian
Tags: translation comedy frottola associated dance


Lyrics Direct Translation Poetic Translation
La vida de Culin The life of Culin The life of poor Culin
no dura quatro iorn won’t last four days May quickly reach an end
chi nante se governa if he doesn’t look after If he does not look after
so gentil compagnon his gentle companion, His easygoing friend.
ho, ho, ho, ho! ho, ho, ho... Ho, ho, ho, ho!
Hora, hora Guiglielmin, Now, now, Guiglielmin, Now of, now of Guglielmin,
Guiglielmin le pres l’affan he’s very afraid of Guiglielmin, Guglielmin he lives in dread.
la selva la randa la ran dan duf la selva la randa la ran dan duf The forest, the mainsail, the bam bam boom,
tattara rararì rarì dan duf! tattara rararì rarì dan duf!1 Tatara tatararah ree!
Andava a la taverna He freqented the tavern The tavern heard his laughter
con grande devozion with great devotion, And saw him overspend,
no porta né danare but never took money But he would not steal money
né borsa né pignon or purse or anything, Or anyone offend.
ho, ho, ho, ho! ho, ho, ho... Ho, ho, ho, ho!
Vivi ridere vinacré He lived on wine and laughter, Drinking wine and being funny,
come povere marsant like a poor merchant, That's the kind of life he led,
Guiglielmice triciavavus Guiglielmin triciavavus, Guglielmice, oh, making merry, oh,
Guiglielmice triciavavus, triciavavus! Guiglielmin triciavavus, triciavavus! Guglielmin making merry, oh!
La vida de Culin The life of Culin The life of poor Culin
no dura quatro iorn won’t last four days May quickly reach an end
chi nante se governa if he doesn’t look after If he does not look after
so gentil compagnon his gentle companion, His easygoing friend.
ho, ho, ho, ho! ho, ho, ho... Ho, ho, ho, ho!
Guiglielmice ha del bon vin Guiglielmin, is there any fine wine? Guglielmin, bring out the wine;
Guiglielmice ha del bon pan Guiglielmin, is there any tasty bread? Guglielmin, bring out the bread!
Guiglielmice triciavavus Guiglielmin triciavavus Guglielmice, oh, making merry, oh,
Guiglielmice triciavavus, triciavavus! Guiglielmin triciavavus, triciavavus! Guglielmin making merry, oh!
Anonymous Ring Around Quartet (and Consort). Liner Notes of "Frottole - Popular Songs Of Renaissance Italy." Genoa, Italy. Carol Anne Perry Lagemann