Belle, bonne, sage By: Baude Cordier


Singable Translation PDF By: Carol Anne Perry Lagemann (CC BY SA 4.0)


Number of Voices: 3
Voicings: S , SAA , SAT , STT , T , TTB , TBB
Date: 15th century
Language: French
Tags: chanson translation rondeau Chantilly Codex ars subtilior


LyricsPoetic Translation
Belle, bonne, sage, plaisante et gente,So lovely, good, and wise, you are, I know;
A ce jour cy que l'an se renouvelle,Today, the day on which the year is new,
Vous fais le don d'une chanson nouvelleI give you these new-written songs that flow
Dedans mon cuer qui a vous se presente.Within the heart I also give to you.
De recevoir ce don ne soyés lente,You need not hesitate to take them, though:
Je vous suppli, ma doulce damoyselle;I beg you, damsel, take them as your due.
Belle, bonne, sage, plaisante et gente,So lovely, good, and wise, you are, I know;
A ce jour cy que l'an se renouvelle,Today, the day on which the year is new,
Car tant vous aim qu'aillours n'ay mon entente,I love you so my thoughts cannot sink low,
Et sy scay que vous estes seulle celleAnd you alone are my beloved who
Qui fame avés que chascun vous appelle:Is famed for being known to kingdoms so:
Flour de beauté sur toutes excellente.The rose of beauty, best of all that grew.
Belle, bonne, sage, plaisante et gente,So lovely, good, and wise, you are, I know;
A ce jour cy que l'an se renouvelle,Today, the day on which the year is new,
Vous fais le don d'une chanson nouvelleI give you these new-written songs that flow
Dedans mon cuer qui a vous se presente.Within the heart I also give to you.
Baude CordierCarol Anne Perry Lagemann

Direct Translation

See translation at Choral Public Domain Library.