Whirlygig By: John Playford



(3 Couples in a line) ==In 4==
V1 Double fwd & back (2x) 2(2x)
C1A Mushrooms – C2 pass up betw C1 & cast to place; C2 cross
over & go around C1 to place; Face down & do same betw C3 2;2;4
ChB C1 cast to bottom & make arch; C2 & C3 follow & go through to new place
(Order of set is C2, C3, C1); Repeat entire chorus (2x) 2;2;12;12
V2 Side RL 2;2
C2A Triangle- Heys - Ld2 pass through C1 passing Ly1 by R shoulders &
Hey for 3 w/ C1 as Ly1 does the same w/ C3 4
Same w/ Ld2 through C3 by L shoulders & Ly2 w/ C1; Chorus B 4;4
Repeat entire chorus (2x) until all are back to original place 12;12
V3 Arm RL 2;2
C3A ½ Cast to Star – C1 & C2 ½ cast down & to place; R hand Star 2;2
Repeat w/ C2 & C3 casting up in L hand star 4
Repeat Chorus B; Repeat entire chorus 2x 4;12;12


Audio Recordings


Category: English Country