Rosina By: Ambrosio (Guglielmo)



(3 people, one of one gender in center, 2 of other on sides) ==In 4==
1 Double LR, MV; Double LR, MV 2;2
Center Single LR , Double L; Sides Single RL , Double R 2;2
2 Center turns, All Double R , MV & Rip LR 4
CCW circle = Double L, MV, then RipR; Con LRLR 2;2
3 Single LR, Double L fwd, Double R back, Rev L 4
CCW circle = Double L, MV, then RipR; Con LRLR 2;2
4 Center & Side to their R = take R hands & circle w/ 4 Pive 4
Center & other Side take L hands & circle w/ 4 Pive 4
Hey w/ 8 Pive, Center & R Side start by passing R shoulders 8


Category: Italian Balli - 15th Century