Rose is White and Rose is Red By: John Playford



(Couples in a circle, numbered CCW) ==In 4==
V1 Holding hands, Double fwd & back; Set & turn; repeat 2;2;4
C1 C1 Fwd & back to Ld2; C1 take hands w/Ld2 & circle; repeat w/ Ly2 2;2;4
Continue pattern until back to place, w/ other couples following & performing
The same pattern in order (Note: C2 starts when C1 gets to C4) 8 (mult x)
V2 Side R, Set & turn, Side L; Set & turn 2;2;2;2
C2 C1 Fwd & back to Ld2; C1 Hey w/Ld2, Ld 1 starting; repeat w/ Ly2 2;2;4
Continue until back to place w/ other couples following 8 (mult x)
V3 Arm R, Set & turn, Arm L; Set & turn 2;2;2;2
C3 C1 Fwd & back to Ld2; Ld2 pass under C1 arch, C1full turn 2;2
Repeat w/ Ly2; Continue til back to place, other C’s following 4;8 (mult x)


Category: Progression Dance