Prince William’s Hey By: Walsh



(3 Couples in a line) ==In 4==
P1 C1 cross over Hey betw person 2 & 3 on the other side 4
C1 cross back and Hey as before 4
P2 C1 take R hands & switch; Cast to C2 place as C2 slips to 1st place 1;1
C1 turn 2 hands, 1½ times around; C2 take R hands & switch 2;1
C2 cast home, as C1 slip up; C2 turn 2 hands, 1½ times around 1;2
P3 Ld1 to Ly3, while Ly1 to Ld2; Those 4 arm R; C1 arm L 2;2
Ld1 to Ly2, while Ly1 to Ld3; Those 4 arm R; C1 arm L 2;2
P4 C1 casts out betw Ly 2 & 3, (hold L hands, so Ly's arm is across her body) 2
C1 returns to the center from the top & bottom of the set, & arm R 2
C1 casts out betw Ld2 & 3, (hold R hands, so Ld 's arm is across his body) 2
C1 turn two hands 1½ times, moving to the bottom of the set 2
Repeat the dance ( w/ the couple at the head of the set now being C1, etc.)


Category: English Country