Oranges & Lemons By: John Playford



(4 Couples in a square) ==In 4==
V1 Double fwd & back (2x) 2 (2x)
C1 Lds rev to ptnr; rev to corner; Join hands & circle half around ½;½;2
Lys rev to ptnr; rev to corner; Join hands & circle half around; repeat ½;½;2;6
V2 Side RL 4
C2 Ptnrs R hands & step R; L hands & step L ½;½
Switch R and then L w/ next; repeat until back to place 2;3 (3x)
V3 Arm RL (C1 moves to face C2; C3 moves to face C4) 4
C3 Rev to other C; Rev to ptnr; Each pair of Cs circle halfway to the L ½;½;1
C2 back into 3rd place, C1 following as C4 backs into 1st place, C3 following 1
Repeat this pattern until everyone returns to their places 3 (3x)


Audio Recordings


Category: English Country