Maiden Lane By: John Playford



(3 Couples in a line) ==In 4==
V1 Double fwd & back (2x); Double L & back 4;2
Double speed single Hey on both sides; Set & turn (2x) 2;4
V2 Side RL; Back a double & switch w/ ptnr; repeat; Set & turn (2x) 4;2;2;4
V3 Arm RL; Ld1 & Ly2 switch, Ld2 & Ly1 switch as C3 switch 4;1;1
Ld1 & Ly3 switch, Ld3 & Ly1 switch as C2 switch; Set & turn (2x) 1;1;4
Couples should now be progressed, ready to do the dance 2 more times.

Sheet Music

Audio Recordings


Category: English Country