Gentilezza D’Amore By: Caroso



(Couples) ==In 4==
P1 Rev; (turn L in) Spez L, Cad; Spez LR in CW wheel; Trab LRLR 1;1;1;1
Trangi LR, flanked fwd; Turn L in Spez L, Cad; same starting R 1;1;2
P2 Circle CW w/ Passi LR; Trab LR; Spez LR; repeat to finish wheel ½;½;1;2
Scambiate LR; Rip LL; Trab LR; Turn L in Spez L, Cad 2;½;½;1
P3 Ld: Passi LR, Spez L; Trab RLRL; back:Passi RL, Spez R; Trab LRLR 1;1;1;1
Both: Trangi LR flanking back; Passi LR, Cad fwd; repeat start R 1;1;2
P4 Ly do as Ld did in V3,w/ both dancing the part for both 8
P5 Semidoppio L to L & R to R; Trab LRLR; Turn L in Spez L, Cad 2;1;1
Trangi LR flanking back; Passi LR, Cad fwd; repeat start R; Rev 1;1;2;1


Category: Italian Balli - 16th Century & Later