Si par trop boire By: Jacobus Clemens non Papa


Singable Translation PDF By: Carol Anne Perry Lagemann (CC BY SA 4.0)


Number of Voices: 5
Voicings: SAATB
Date: 16th century
Language: French
Tags: chanson translation drinking song


LyricsPoetic Translation
Si par trop boire lendemain If in the morning when you wake,
Vous tremble teste, pied ou main,Your hands and feet and head do shake,
Prenez bien tost sans contredictThere's just one thing to cure your plight:
Du poil du chien qui vous mordit.Hair of the dog that bit last night.
Jacobus Clemens non PapaCarol Anne Perry Lagemann

Direct Translation

See Mick Swithinbank's work at Choral Public Domain Library.