L'Innamorato By: Giovanni Gastoldi


Singable Translation PDF By: Carol Anne Perry Lagemann (CC BY SA 4.0)


Number of Voices: 5
Date: 16th century
Language: Italian
Tags: madrigal translation associated dance


Lyrics Direct Translation Poetic Translation
A lieta vita To a happy life To what delights us
amor c'in vita Love invites us. Fair Love invites us.
Chi gioir brama Whoever takes joy in desire, If you joy merely
se di cor ama If he loves from his heart, To love sincerely,
donerá il core Will give that heart Cling to Him tightly,
a un tal signore. To such a Lord. This Lord so mighty.
Hor lieta hormai Today is the time of happiness; Today be cheerful;
scacciando i guai Trouble is cast out. Cast out the tearful,
Quanto ci resta Whatever is left of our lives, While we are living
viviamo in festa We will live in mirth Thanks to Him giving.
e diam l'honore And do honor We praise forthrightly
a un tal signore. To such a Lord. This Lord so mighty.
Chi a lui non crede Whoever does not believe in Him They have who doubt Him
Privo è di fede. Lacks faith. No faith without Him.
Onde haver merta Therefore he will deserve Their restitution
Contra se aperta The opposite of openness: Is retribution:
L'ira e'l furore The ire and the fury His rage burns brightly,
D'un tal Signore. Of such a Lord. This Lord so mighty.
Ne fuggir giova It is useless to flee Don’t make Him chase you;
Che ogni ognun trova: From Him who finds everyone: He will outpace you,
Veloci ha l'ali He has fast wings The swiftest flyer
E foco e strali. And fire and arrows. With bolts and fire.
Dunque s'adore Therefore worship So worship rightly
Un tal Signore. Such a Lord. This Lord so mighty.
Giovanni Gastoldi Carol Anne Perry Lagemann Carol Anne Perry Lagemann