Vous, qui aymez les dames, |
You who love ladies, |
All you who love the ladies, |
blande loquimini |
speak smoothly, |
Smoothly enrapture them. |
dites-leur qu'elles sont belles, |
Tell them that they are beautiful, |
Tell them that they are appealing |
et adulamini |
and flatter them. |
And kindly flatter them. |
touchez-leur les mamelles, |
Touch their breasts, |
Their breasts intently feeling, |
et obsculamini |
and kiss them. |
With kisses cover them. |
sy troys foys elles souffrent, |
If they tolerate it three times, |
If they endure it three times, |
chantez laetamini |
sing, rejoice; |
Sing joy, and savor them: |
voz besognes sont faites |
Your tasks are done |
Your tasks have been accomplished; |
in nomine Domini |
in the name of God. |
The name of God honors them. |
Jean de Castro |
Carol Anne Perry Lagemann |
Carol Anne Perry Lagemann |