Venus, du und dein Kind By: Jacob Regnart


Singable Translation PDF By: Carol Anne Perry Lagemann (CC BY SA 4.0)


Number of Voices: 3
Voicings: SST , SAT
Date: 16th century
Language: German
Tags: translation Lied


Lyrics Direct Translation Poetic Translation
Venus du und dein Kind Venus, you and your child You, Venus, and your son
seid alle beide blind are both blind, Your deeds have blindly done,
und pflegt auch zu verblenden, and you also cultivate blindness And you encourage blindness
wer sich zu euch tut wenden, in whomever turns to you, In those who beg your kindness,
wie ich wohl hat erfahren as I learned well As I discovered clearly
in meinen jungen Jahren. in the years of my youth. When younger years were near me.
Amor, du Kindlein bloß, Love, you’re just a little child; Dear Love, you're just a child
wenn dein vergiftet Gschoß when your poisoned projectiles Whose poisoned darts fly wild;
das Herz einmal berühret, once touch the heart, Once in the heart they’re rooted,
der wird als bald verführet it soon becomes deceived, That heart is soon deluded,
wie ich wohl hat erfahren as I learned well As I discovered clearly
in meinen jungen Jahren. in the years of my youth. When younger years were near me.
Für nur ein Freud allein, For only one joy alone, You with a single joy
gibst du vieltausend Pein, you give many thousand agonies; A thousand pains deploy.
für nur ein freundlichs Scherzen, for only one friendly joke, You give a note of laughter;
gibst du vieltausend Schmerzen, you give many thousand pains, A thousand hurts come after,
wie ich wohl hat erfahren as I learned well As I discovered clearly
in meinen jungen Jahren. in the years of my youth. When younger years were near me.
Drum rat ich jedermann: That’s why I advise everyone: That’s why to all I say:
von Lieb bald abzustahn, quickly distance yourself from Love. Shun Love and run away,
dann nichts ist zu erjagen For Love, you will chase after nothing Or else the wind you’ll follow,
in Lieb, dann Weh und Klagen, and will have pain and complaints: To seek what’s cold and hollow.
das hat ich wohl erfahren This have I learned well I learned this very clearly
in meinen jungen Jahren. in the years of my youth. When younger years were near me.
Jacob Regnart Carol Anne Perry Lagemann Carol Anne Perry Lagemann