Pose un gran foco nel mio petto amore By: Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina


Singable Translation PDF By: Carol Anne Perry Lagemann (CC BY SA 4.0)


Number of Voices: 4
Voicings: SATB , AATB
Date: 16th century
Language: Italian
Tags: madrigal translation


LyricsPoetic Translation
Pose un gran foco nel mio petto Amore.A fire was set by Love inside my being.
Che m'arse un tempo il cor con viva forza;My heart was once aflame with great desire.
Ma sdegno giusto ogni gran foco ammorza.But righteous scorn can quench the greatest fire.
Fu l'ardor grave ch'ogni dì cresceva,It grew each day, my grievous passion freeing,
Or non mi scalda più, non mi rinforza;But warms no more; no more can it inspire.
Che sdegno giusto ogni gran foco ammorza.For righteous scorn can quench the greatest fire.
Giovanni Pierluigi da PalestrinaCarol Anne Perry Lagemann

Direct Translation

See translation at Choral Public Domain Library.