O mors inevitabilis, mors amara, mors crudelis, |
O inevitable death, bitter death, cruel death, |
O death so inescapable, death so bitter, death so cruel! |
Josquin des Prez dum necasti, illum nobis abstulisti |
When you murdered Josquin des Prez, you took him from us |
Josquin des Prez: When you killed him, he was stolen from among us, |
qui suam per harmoniam illustravit ecclesiam. |
Who, through his harmony, illuminated the Church. |
An artist who through harmony bathed in radiant light the Church. |
Propterea tu musice, dic, requiescat in pace. |
For this reason, you musician, say: May he rest in peace. |
Because of this, musicians all, say: Rest in peace now, forever. Amen. |
Requiem aeternam dona ei Domine, |
Grant unto him eternal peace, Lord, |
Peace and rest eternal freely grant him, Lord our God, |
et lux perpetua luceat ei. Amen. |
And let perpetual light shine upon him. Amen. |
And light perpetual shine brightly on him. |
Jheronimus Vinders, quoting the Roman Rite |
Carol Anne Perry Lagemann |
Carol Anne Perry Lagemann |