Chi vuol vedere un bosco |
Whoever wants to see a forest |
If you would see a forest, |
di piante opaco, e fosco, |
of plants dull and gloomy, |
Dark trees in eerie chorus, |
venga ・ vederlo mio trafitto core |
come and see my pierced heart, |
Come now and see my punctured heart defeated, |
pien di saette, ohim・, pien di dolore, |
full of arrows, alas, full of sorrow: |
By arrows struck, alas, by sorrows bleeded; |
cos・ l・h・ concio Amore. |
So has Love treated it. |
So Love my heart has treated. |
Chi vuol veder eun mare |
Whoever wants to see a sea |
If you would see an ocean, |
sol di lagrime amare, |
salty with tears of love, |
Salty tears of emotion, |
venga ・ veder il lagrimoso humore |
come and see the tearful humor |
Come now and see the liquid fiercely heated |
ch・io verso notte, e di per gli occhi fuore, |
that I cry at night out of my eyes: |
That every single night my eyes has greeted; |
cos・ l・h・ concio Amore. |
So has Love treated them. |
So Love my eyes has treated. |
Chi vuol veder l・inferno |
Whoever wants to see Hell |
If you would see a fire, |
con lo suo foco eterno, |
with its eternal fire, |
A Hell built ever higher, |
venga a vedermi il sen pieno d・ardore, |
come and see me in my full ardor, |
Come now and see my self, zeal unexceeded, |
tormentato dal foco e dal timore, |
tormented by fire and by fear: |
Overcome by the flames, by fear impeded; |
cos・ l・h・ concio Amore. |
So has Love treated me. |
So Love my self has treated. |
E chi per saper desia |
And whoever wants to know |
And if you would discover |
quale la cagion sia |
for what reason |
Why and for what I suffer, |
ch・Amor mi faccia bosco, e mare, e inferno, |
Love makes me a forest, and a sea, and Hell, |
Why Love has made me forest and ocean and fire, |
venga a veder questa mia tigre amata |
come and see this, my beloved tiger, |
Come now and see the tiger whom I cherish, |
s・ cruda, e s・ spietata. |
so harsh and so ruthless. |
By whose fierce might I perish. |
Peter Philips |
Carol Anne Perry Lagemann |
Carol Anne Perry Lagemann |