TTT Pieces

Start Year: 900 | End Year: 1700

Aucuns vont souvent - Amor qui cor - Kyrie Eleison Petrus de Cruce 13th - 14th century 1280 1350 SSS , SSA , AAT , TTT , TTB French , Latin original language motet translation religious 13th-century motet Montpellier Codex
Alleluya nativitas Perotin 12th - 13th century 1180 1230 TTT Latin original language melismatic_organum
Aucun Se Sont / A Dieu Commant / Super Te Adam de la Halle 13th century 1250 1288 AAA , AAT , TTT French , Latin original language motet translation 13th-century motet Montpellier Codex social commentary political
Post Partum Virgo - Ave Regina - Veritatem Anonymous 13th - 14th century 1280 1350 TTT Latin original language motet holiday translation religious Mary 13th-century motet Montpellier Codex
Iacob scalam - Pax eterna - Terribilis Petrus Wilhelmi Grudencz 14th - 15th century 1392 1480 SSS , TTT Latin original language motet translation religious 15th-century motet
Li jalous par tout sunt fustat - Tuit cil qui sunt enamourat - Veritatem Anonymous 13th - 14th century 1280 1350 AAT , AAB , ATT , ATB , TTT , TTB French original language motet translation 13th-century motet Montpellier Codex
Dona Nobis Pacem Anonymous 0 0 SSS , TTT Latin original language round
S'on me regarde - Prennés i garde - Hé, mi enfant Anonymous 13th - 14th century 1280 1350 AAT , AAB , ATT , ATB , TTT , TTB French original language motet translation 13th-century motet Montpellier Codex
Nowel: Owt of your slepe aryse Anonymous 15th century 1400 1499 SSS , SSA , SAA , AAA , TTT , TTB , TBB , BBB English holiday translation religious Mary English carol
Ma fin est mon commencement Guillaume de Machaut 14th century 1300 1399 SSA , SST , TTT , TTB French chanson translation rondeau ars nova
Verbum Patris umanatur Walter of Châtillon 12th century 1100 1199 SAT , SAB , STT , STB , AAT , AAB , ATT , ATB , TTT , TTB Latin holiday translation religious Mary conductus
Veris ad imperia Anonymous 13th century 1200 1299 SSS , SSA , SAA , AAA , TTT , TTB , TBB , BBB Latin chanson translation trobar
Procurans odium Anonymous 11th - 13th century 1000 1299 SSS , SSA , SAA , AAA , TTT , TTB , TBB , BBB Latin translation goliard song Carmina Burana
Festa Januaria Anonymous 13th century 1200 1299 TTT , TTB Latin holiday translation religious conductus
Dieux soit en cheste maison Adam de la Halle 13th century 1200 1299 SSS , TTT French chanson holiday translation religious ballade