SSA Pieces

Start Year: 900 | End Year: 1700

Aucuns vont souvent - Amor qui cor - Kyrie Eleison Petrus de Cruce 13th - 14th century 1280 1350 SSS , SSA , AAT , TTT , TTB French , Latin original language motet translation religious 13th-century motet Montpellier Codex
Fi Maris Adam de la Halle 13th century 1250 1288 SSA , SST French original language chanson translation rondeau
We Be Three Poore Mariners Thomas Ravenscroft 1609 1609 1609 SSA , SST , SAT , AAT English original language
Sub Umbra Illius Jacobus Clemens non Papa 1560 1560 1560 SSA , TTB Latin original language motet translation religious 16th-century sacred motet Biblical text
Da così dotta man Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina 16th century 1500 1599 SSA , SST , SAA , SAT Italian madrigal translation
Nowel: Owt of your slepe aryse Anonymous 15th century 1400 1499 SSS , SSA , SAA , AAA , TTT , TTB , TBB , BBB English holiday translation religious Mary English carol
Ma fin est mon commencement Guillaume de Machaut 14th century 1300 1399 SSA , SST , TTT , TTB French chanson translation rondeau ars nova
Veris ad imperia Anonymous 13th century 1200 1299 SSS , SSA , SAA , AAA , TTT , TTB , TBB , BBB Latin chanson translation trobar
Bonjour mon coeur Jean de Castro 16th century 1500 1599 SSA , SST , SAA , SAT French chanson translation
Procurans odium Anonymous 11th - 13th century 1000 1299 SSS , SSA , SAA , AAA , TTT , TTB , TBB , BBB Latin translation goliard song Carmina Burana
Nous voyons que les hommes Jacques Arcadelt 16th century 1500 1599 SSA , SST , SAA , SAT French chanson translation social commentary
Ik zeg adieu Jacobus Clemens non Papa 16th century 1500 1599 SSA , SST , TTB Flemish madrigal translation