Vivrò fra i miei tormenti e le mie cure By: Claudio Monteverdi


Singable Translation PDF By: Carol Anne Perry Lagemann (CC BY SA 4.0)


Number of Voices: 5
Date: 16th century
Language: Italian
Tags: madrigal translation


Lyrics Direct Translation Poetic Translation
Vivrò fra i miei tormenti e le mie cure, I will live between my torments and my cares, I’ll live between my torments and my bad blows,
mie giuste furie, forsennato, errante; in my righteous fury, scornful, wandering; In righteous fury wander, rest denied me.
paventarò l'ombre solinghe e scure I will fear the solitary and dark shadows, I’ll fear the dark and solitary shadows,
che 'l primo error mi recheranno inante, so that my first mistake will go inside me, So that my first mistake will crawl inside me;
e del sol che scoprí le mie sventure, and the only one [or: the sun] who discovered my misfortunes From the sole seer who perceives my sad woes
a schivo ed in orrore avrò il sembiante. I will avoid, and my countenance I will keep in horror. I’ll run and with my face in horror hide me.
Temerò me medesmo; e da me stesso I will fear myself; and by myself Fearing me, and because I deeply fear me
sempre fuggendo, avrò me sempre appresso. always fleeing, I will always be near myself. Fleeing myself, I will be always near me.
Torquato Tasso Carol Anne Perry Lagemann Carol Anne Perry Lagemann