Ut queant laxis By: Guido of Arezzo


Singable Translation PDF By: Carol Anne Perry Lagemann (CC BY SA 4.0)


Number of Voices: 1
Voicings: S , A , T , B
Date: 11th century
Language: Latin
Tags: translation religious chant school song anonymous melody arranged by composer Paulus Diaconus lyrics


LyricsPoetic Translation
Ut queant laxisUttering praises,
resonare fibrisRaising songs of your feats,
mira gestorumMeekly your servants
famuli tuorum,Falter in our errors.
solve pollutiSouls that are filthy
labiis reatum,Launder of offenses,
sancte Joannes.Saint John the Baptist.
Nuntius celsoYou were not born yet
veniens Olympo,When there came an angel
te patri magnumTo tell your father
fore nasciturum,Tidings of your greatness.
nomen, et vitaeWhat he must name you
seriem gerendae,And your way of living:
ordine promit.All were predestined.
Ille promissiYour skeptic father,
dubius superniDoubting Heaven's promise,
perdidit promptaePromptly and fully
modulos loquelae;Lost all voice and language;
sed reformastiBut what was taken,
genitus peremptaeRuined past all healing:
organa vocis.Your birth restored it.
Ventris obstrusDeep in your mother,
recubans cubili,From her womb you sensed it;
senseras RegemIt was the presence
thalamo manentem:Of the unborn Savior.
hinc parens, nati,Thus to your parents,
meritis, uterque, You, before delivery,
abdita pandit.Revealed the hidden.
Sit decus Patri,We praise the Father
genitaeque proli And the Son begotten;
et tibi, compareWe praise the Spirit,
utriusque virtus, Who has equal power.
Spiritus semper,One God and holy
Deus unus, omni For all times and seasons,
Temporis aevo.All generations.
Paulus DiaconusCarol Anne Perry Lagemann

Direct Translation

See translation at Choral Public Domain Library.

Notes about Lyrics

This piece is the source of the syllables used in the Guidonian hexachord: ut, re, mi, fa, sol, and la (the first syllable of the first six lines).