Vita di Cholino By: Giovanninio



(Ly betw 2 Lds) ==In 4==
V1 Con LR; Ly Singles LR, MV R, as Lds Singles LR back; Rip LR 1;1;2
Ch Ly & Ld to her R Rev; Ly & Ld to L Rev; VT CW in Double R 1;1;1
V2 Ly & Ld to R take R hands & circle in Doubles LR 2
Ly & Ld to L take L hands & circle in Doubles LR; Repeat Ch 2;3
V3 Doubles LR (passing ea other), MV R; Rip LR; Repeat Ch 2;2;3
V4 Zig Zag past in Doubles LRL, MV L; Double R together 3;1
Repeat Chorus touching hand while Rev (R hand w/ Ld1, L w/ Ld2) 3
V5 Hey in 8 pive, Ly starting and passing Ld to R by R 4
Repeat Chorus, but Lds replace VT w/ Double R, MV (end in line) 3


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Category: Italian Balli - 15th Century