Spanish Jeepsie By: John Playford



English Country
||(4 Couples in a line) | ==In 4== |
|V1| Double fwd & back (2x) |2(2x)|
||Turn your back to ptnr; turn to face ptnr; Half gypsy switch & back w/ ptnr |1;1;2|
|C1| End Couples Fwd & Back a Double (down the middle of the set) |2|
||Turn your back to opp; turn to face opp; Full gypsy R, then L w/ opp |1;1;4|
||Repeat C h w/ middle two couples |8|
|V2| Side RL |4|
||Turn your back to ptnr; turn to face ptnr; Half gypsy switch & back w/ ptnr |1;1;2|
|C2| Same as C1, except replace full gypsies w/ join hands for 4 & circle LR |16|
|V3| Arm RL |4|
||your back to ptnr; turn to face ptnr; Half gypsy switch & back w/ ptnr |1;1;2|
|C3| Same as C1, except replace full gypsies w/ R hand star then L hand star |16|


Category: English Country