Maraviglia d’Amore By: Caroso



(Couples) ==in 3==
P1 Take R hands, Spez L to L, Rev; Rip RR; Trab RL; Repeat to R 4;2;2;8
Spez LR, circling L; Trab LRLR; Scambiate LR 4;4;2
Out L: Rip LL; Trab LR; Spiral in Passi LR, Cad; Repeat to R 2;2;4;8
P2 Ld Spez LR, flank back; Trab LRLR; Spez LR, turning L; Passi LR, Cad 4;4;4;4
Both Trab LRLR; Spez L to L, Rev; Repeat to R 4;4;8
Passi LR back; Trangato L fwd; Spez RL, turning R; Repeat to R 2;2;4;8
P3 Ly do as Ld did in P3, with both dancing the part for both 48
P4 In CW Wheel Passi LR; Spez L; Repeat tCCW, starting R; Scamb LR 2;2;4;8
Fioretti pari LR; Passi LR back; Spez LR, clap R hands; Repeat to R 2;2;4;8
Trab LRLR; Spez L, turning, Cad; Repeat to R; Rev 4;4;4;4


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Category: Italian Balli - 16th Century & Later