La Chirantana By: Anonymous



||(Line of Couples) |
|P1| Process: Con LR , Double L, Con R. (until music changes).|
| P2| Snake Hay: In Pive, CI, leads to L, passing betw C2 & C3. Once CI has passed |
||C2,Ld2 leads Ly2 to follow CI, etc.. CI stops when they reach the end of the line;|
||other C's continue until the line resets.|
|P3| In and Out Hay: C1 leads a Hey for Couples, in Pive |
|P4| Circling: Ld1 calls, "circle" & all couples take R hands & circle in 4 Pive.|
||Then take L hands & do 4 Pive in the opposite direction. |
|P5| Brigomania : Couples form a long line, LyI taking Ld2’s hands, |
||Ly2 Taking Ld3’s hand, etc., w/ Ld I leading the line, using Pive. |


Sheet Music


Category: Italian Balli - 15th Century